At his May 12 press conference, Governor Jay Inslee laid out the plans for the statewide contact tracing initiative.
“[The initiative] is robust, it is vigorous and it is comprehensive, and it needs to be all three to be successful,” Inslee said. “If we do not succeed in this second stage of our efforts, this virus could come bright back and bite us.”
Inslee said that the state has seen early success in its efforts against COVID-19, and this initiative will represent a transition from one strategy to another. Social distancing was the primary tool against the virus, and when the state is looking to open the economy, contact tracing and isolation of those who test positive will be the next tool.
“If this is successful, it will allow us to open our economy,” Inslee said. “This next stage… actually will be more difficult, and its success will depend on both the state and local public health officials and families who will need to be committed to this effort to help their community.”
Box the virus
The information Inslee provided was labeled as “Contact Tracing: Box in The Virus.” The steps were listed as follows:

Contact tracing involves interviewing people with positive COVID-19 tests to identify who they’ve been in contact with, getting those people tested and then making sure they isolate themselves and their families.
The Governor recommends that people are to quarantine immediately for 14-days upon experiencing the first systems. This includes entire households – e.g. all members of the household must isolate with the possible infected person.
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This contact tracing HAS to be DONE at the BEGINNING of a pandemic, unfortunetly the barn door has been open for TOO long, contact tracing is USELESS at THIS point of THIS pandemic, so say all the so-called experts!
Only a blind and ignorant idiot could agree to such a thing! Do you have ANY knowledge or the least concern that these socialist NAZIs are violating the United States constitution and the Bill of Rights?
Hey! William, they are violating the constitution therefore they need to go to jail.
Uh......NO! doesn't!!!!!!!!!! This is just another step to track anybody/everybody for zero reason. You think for one second that once this was over it would stop? It's just the stage before putting a chip in everybody...
Definitely time for armed rebellion and taking this moron out of the state house by any means.
"WE" live in the real world.....Bitch Whitmer lives in lala land
yes, we do live in the real world but the real world does have evil in it too.
believe it my friend Joseph because Evil is gaining ground big time.