The Washington National Cathedral took heavy fire for allowing popular evangelical pastor and author Max Lucado to preach at its virtual Sunday service last weekend. Though the church initially defended its decision as part of a move to build bridges, leadership later caved to pressure from left-wing activists and nearly tripped over themselves apologizing for the mistake of allowing Lucado to speak.
Lucado's offense? He holds biblical Christian views on sexuality and marriage.
He didn't preach on those topics Sunday — his sermon was about the Holy Spirit, the Christian Post reported — but the fact that he has a history of standing up for traditional biblical values on social issues was enough to have him silenced, the woke mob said.
What happened?
After the Episcopal Church's Cathedral Church of Saint Peter and Paul in the City and the Diocese of Washington invited Lucado to speak at the cathedral in Washington, D.C., LGBT activists were livid.
The reliably liberal denomination known for its left-wing views on marriage and sexuality had betrayed the gay community by inviting a nondenominational evangelical pastor like Lucado who follows traditional Christian teachings on marriage and sexually, and the woke mob couldn't have that.
So they did what mobs do: sought to intimidate their target into compliance and force their opponent to be silenced.
Activists launched a petition days before Lucado's sermon demanding that the church rescind its invitation to Lucado, claiming that his "teaching and preaching inflicts active harm on LGBTQ people."
They accused him of pushing "[f]ear-mongering and dehumanizing messages" and preaching "the kind of dangerous theology that promotes oppression of and violence toward the LGBTQ community."
According to the petition, "Lucado has inflicted serious harm" and should not be given a platform.
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