Memes Expose Trump VS. Chris Wallace/Joe Biden Tag Team Match | USSA News |  The Tea Party's Front Page

False stories about Joe Biden’s health continued to spread on social platforms the day after the first presidential debate, including misleading Facebook ads by the Trump campaign and a viral video on TikTok.

A false story about Biden wearing an earpiece that emerged on Tuesday continued to get traction on Facebook after the debate. The Trump campaign ad, which encourages people to “Check Joe’s Ears,” and asked “Why won’t Sleepy Joe commit to an earpiece inspection,” was viewed between 200 to 250,000 times and marketed primarily to people over 55 in Texas and Florida. The implication of the ad, the content of which originated from a tweet by a New York Post reporter who cited a single anonymous source, is that Biden needed the assistance of an earpiece so someone could pass him information during the debates.

And on the video platform TikTok, four grainy videos alleging that Biden was wearing a wire to “cheat” during the debate racked up more than half a million combined views on Wednesday, according to research by the left-leaning media watchdog group Media Matters. One of the videos shows a still of Biden with his hand inside his suit, while another overlays an arrow over Biden’s tie, but neither video shows any visual evidence of Biden wearing an electronic device of any kind.

Tech companies have long struggled with misinformation and are on high-alert going into the election. Ahead of the debate, Twitter and Facebook executives reviewed hashtags, trends, and other accounts that may break the companies’ rules using a combination of software and human review. The companies are also pushing out accurate information about how to register to vote to millions of people.

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  • Wallace like his father is a commie hack.

  • Most of the media and liberal socialsts consider truth to be "relative" if it is a positive truth that disagrees with THEIR view of things.  If it disagrees it is automatically a lie.

  • The commie media lives in a bubble and would not know what thruth was if it bit them in the butt. That's why I get most of my political news directly from Trump. I am very happy that he is so present in various media outlets because that way he connects with his supporters without the left wing media messing up the truth. We all know that Trump is the only honest and straight talking politician out there who can be trusted, which is exactly why the leftwing media hate him.

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