
  •     has the info about  Jan.06,2021  

  • There is no way that a majority of lawmakers won't uphold their pledge of allegiance to the US Constitution and therefore to Trump. They cannot do anything but not certify the election.

    For sure, VP Pence will refuse to certify the election. It is in his power to do the right thing and to keep Trump in the White House for another four years. Pence is the most loyal and most dedicated supporter of President Donald J. Trump. He will definitely honor his pledge of allegiance to the rightful president of the USA.

  • It is incredible how much he was able to do considering the constant road blocks thrown his way.  If everything goes well,  he will be re-instated in the White House for another 4 years.  God, please be with Mike Spence !!!!!

  • Think what he could have accomplished if he hadn't been shafted every step of the way by the deep state!!!

  • By all rights this election should be the same. The deMoncrats are so evil.

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