
  • As long as President Trump controls the Epstein investigation, it will reveal the truth. Otherwise I am not so sure because I understand that President Trump and Epstein knew each other, too. I'd be concerned that an "independent" FBI fabricate allegations or crimes.

    • It's my understanding President Trump's association with Epstein was very brief, because DJT chanced to witness some of Epsteins actions with one, or two of Trump's guests, at Mar-a-Largo, quite a number of years ago; Trump did not like what he saw and any potential relationship cooled very quickly. It has been a few years since I read that and I can't even remember the source.

  • We NEED Transparency. These crooked cowards are getting rich and richer from this Blackmail scheme and we'll Never get the Truth.

  • This will go nowhere… The FBI is not interested in jailing prominent government and private individuals. 

    The FBI should be shut down and investigated … for anti-government conduct. (insurrection and Obstruction of Justice)s it was created using Title 28, Section 533 which authorizes the Attorney General to appoint officials to detect and prosecute crimes against the United States... not the creation of an entire agency.

    Congress failed to provide the statutory authority for the FBI... the institutional support, infrastructure, administration, and management of the FBI.  Creating an agency without a specific Act of Congress could be grounds for IMPEACHMENT. 

    The Administration, DOJ, and Federal Judiciary are out of control…  The Constitution’s checks and balances on government power and Congress’s role in restraining the government's abuse of power are sorely lacking.

  • "It's likely that a comprehensive investigation would implicate several high-ranking government officials...

  • I want to see that jerk squirm when they haul him off to prison! 

    • Would rather watch him "squirm" at the end of a rope!

  • If Wray is actually "director" of the FBI, he should, at least, "know" whether, or not, there is an ongoing investigation into Epstein and Maxwell's client base; obviously, he would like us to believe that he doesn't - - he is as complicit as the rest. Who knows, maybe his is one of the names in their little "black book"!!  It sure smells that way to me.

  • The FBI< CIA and ALL the federal depts are corrupt and should be disbanded!!!

    • Permanently.

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