Meet Joe Biden's Supporters
— Team Trump (Text VOTE to 88022) (@TeamTrump) September 5, 2020
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Meet Joe Biden's Supporters
— Team Trump (Text VOTE to 88022) (@TeamTrump) September 5, 2020
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Shirley, They are not rabid animals they are DEMON POSSESED HUMANS.
What a bunch of rabid animals
These are frightening images that show clearly what would happen if Biden won in November. Most Americans support President Trump and the ones who don't will still want to vote for him because these images are way too frightening. No American wants to live in a country where this kind of chaos and these riots are happening.
Come quickly, Lord Jesus Christ!
I keep saying they are Lucifer children. Read the Bible and it describes them clearly
Please,Provide BOOK Chapter and verse or verses!
Get a Bible and a concordance.
What is a Reprobate Mind?
The expression “reprobate mind” is observed in Romans 1:28 relating to those who God has denied as godless and wicked. They “suppress the truth by their wickedness,” and it is against these people that the wrath of God occurs (Romans 1:18). The Greek word translated “reprobate” in the New Testament is adokimos, which means “unapproved, refused; by implication, worthless.”
Romans 9:21 states, “Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?”
The question before us about a “reprobate” mind is one that takes us deep into the Scriptures and into the heart and mind of God who desires to save people. The doctrine of predestination is also called election, while the doctrine of predestination to damnation is called the doctrine of reprobation.
Bible Verses with "Reprobate"
The Greek word ἀδόκιμος or adókimos for reprobate occurs eight times in the New Testament but is translated into the English using various words. The following verses are an example of this:
Luciferians all and they will torment all when Forbiden wins.
I second that emotion!