
  • I am certain that It is no surprise to anyone here.  Unfoirtunately it is nothing the msm would report on being the dissiminators and liars they are.

    • Obama is running the show.

    • Hey! Martha this is Obama's 3rd term in office.

  • Not because of Biden it's because of Obama administration over again.

  • That's what you get for lettingt Communist Revolutionists STEAL YOUR GOVERNMENT from you. 

  • ILLEGALS CROSSING THE BORDER WITH COVID!!!!  So Biden is deliberaly trying to KILL US!!!!  Thousands of illegal aliens are crossing our border and being placed in our neighborhoods when they ARE NOT BEING TESTED AND ARE COMING IN WITH COVID.  Magoo Biden and his crew do not care or give one FIG about Americans.

    • Yup! That is itr! Trying to get rid of all of us! Bringing in the Pandemic! Not keeping american citizens safe! He needs to be removed from office as the 

      President. Doing this on purpose!  POS.

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