Yeah we know Barry, you've managed to do that
— Roscoe B Davis🎖⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@RoscoeBDavis1) December 13, 2020
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Yeah we know Barry, you've managed to do that
— Roscoe B Davis🎖⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@RoscoeBDavis1) December 13, 2020
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Yep, you got it right Victoria! Obama himself was just a shill for the globalist socialist movement funded by people like George Soros and a cabal of others who prefer to remain anonymous. Keep in mind the it was Soros and his PAC's who have publicly funded the election of radical Democrat Attorneys General across the United States for several election cycles now, including the erstwhile VP elect, Kamala Harris.
He deserve to go to jail period.
His hateful, commie foreign butt should have been kicked out of OUR country years ago, because everyone knows who/what he really is, but our "leaders" have no spine to do what they know is right for our country. They're just as bad as he is.
I agree, they should all be fired, brought before the people and made accountable for their non-action.... They have all trashed the oath they took to be in office, I would almost call that Treason!!
I do call it treason, because that's what it is.
Hey, Barry is doing just fine on Martha's Vineyard in his multi-million dollar waterfront mansion. Not too bad for an immigrant, minority, Chicago community organizer, eh? And "his people" in Chicago are just as bad off, or worse, than when he was president, but it appears that he's not too concerned about that. Sad,.............. but we will get the government that we tolerate, and Kamala Harris is waiting in the wings for ole Lunchbox Joe to retire under the 25th Amendment so she can continue Obama's scheme to "fundamentally transform" the USA into a utopian socialist paradise, just like Venezuela!
Barry Soetero should justgo back to Kenya, he might even be welcome there .....
Isn't that what a Biden administration would be,a 3rd term of INSANE Obama
There is no prof that Berry Soetoro aka barack hussein obama is a US Citizen let alone a Natural Born US Citizen ! The birth certifcate placed on White House Gov . April 27 , 2011 for one barack hussein obama has been proven to be a BAD FORGERY so there is no LEGAL prof that old dumbo ears is a LEGAL US CITIZEN . The US Congress and US Supreme Court has known this from the get go January 2009 .