I don't think any of his picks for the Cabinet positions are qualified. No person or party leaders have ever been so intent on destroying this country than this administration. Before it is over with we will be in another shooting civil war. It will be the progressive, globalist and know it alls, against the working class. Biden, Harris, Schumer and Pelosi all need to be impeached, sooner than later. I don't know who it is, but the democrats have to have some one that is dedicated to improving this country.
TIlt !!!
Can you say DOUBLE SPEAK???
Another Leftie that hates what our founders stood for.
I don't think any of his picks for the Cabinet positions are qualified. No person or party leaders have ever been so intent on destroying this country than this administration. Before it is over with we will be in another shooting civil war. It will be the progressive, globalist and know it alls, against the working class. Biden, Harris, Schumer and Pelosi all need to be impeached, sooner than later. I don't know who it is, but the democrats have to have some one that is dedicated to improving this country.
Blah, blah, blah. She's a lying, obfuscating demoncrat, and she has NO authority to speak for me or anyone else.
And yet she will be confirmed by the crooked dems.
And probably the RINOs, too.