
  • Marxists require someone to take the fall when their plans fail... She will be lucky to find work if she is taking the fall. for Biden's ineptness and senility.  No one is secure in a Marxist system... resulting in internal monitoring and purges.


  • The whole lot of them needs to go.

    • To prison, but many in front of a firing squad! 

  • The only reason she is there is because she is black, gay, and a capable liar! 

    • Black, gay and a liar, definitely; capable, not so much - - she doesn't even lie well.

    • I take exception to the one point which is she's a capable liar. She hasn't fooled any adults.

    • Being capable doesn't mean she is affective.....simply the fact that she can and lies easily, fluidly! 

  • There is no doubt that KJP is in way above her head, But she is typical of the entire BIDEN ADMINISTRATION ALL OF THEM ARE IN WAY ABOVE THEIR HEAD. The incompentence of this administration starts at the top and extends all the way down to the lowest member in the administration.If you voted for IGNORANCE in the last election then you shold be very proud of your vote, You got exactly what you voted for.

  • Now they want to get rid of her?  How very UN-D.E.I. of them!!  (sarcasm intended)

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