
  • Trump is the emblem of the Make America Great Again...  He embodies the  MAGA movement's pride in America. The Democrats who Hate Trump actually hate America's greatness.

  • And without Trump, we WILL lose. 

  • Decades and decades of mis / disinformation and psyops, have done their job. The people are basically unable to see the difference between right and wrong, and now believe that each to our own, we each can decide for ourselves, except, that only one side, the side of depravity—has that right. Bullying is now "righteous" in their eyes. Self-glorification is now an art form in all aspects of culture. Science denial is a very clear sign of their mental retardation, but that retardation is from a spirititual source. Demons from hell have been invited into stupid, clueless, nonthinking, people's minds, and have caused spiritual blindness and dementia to rise and rise. The pot is full. The evil is overflowing. The truth is a lie and a lie is the truth. But God....


    • Our Constitution and its Republican form of government are only suitable to govern a moral and religious people... and not just any religious people... They must embrace the Judeo/Christian ethic. 

      A soverign people must first believe in an authority greater than the sum of their own experience... in a Godly authority.  A nation guided by a moral code based on mankind's righteousness is doomed to fail under the arbitrary and pernicious rule of man alone. Mankind's inhumanity for his own kind is historical... left to man's authority alone, the human race is doomed to suffer under the whip of tyranny. 

  • Wonder if Jessie has, only  just now, figured this out?  Truly, we have been in psychological warfare for a very long time.  Only today, multiple posters stated "societal chaos is coming"!!  IMHO, all of that is "already here".

    • We haven't seen anything yet! The kids are going to go crazy this year, the cities, shopping malls, theaters, even grocery stores are going to be targets, and don't forget places of worship! 

    • I believe the kids have already gone crazy - - especially after the teen riots in Chicago this past weekend.  After that unabashed display, one has to wonder "where are the parents??"

  • Decades of misinformation, rewritten history, and cultural warfare have replaced the past and rewritten America's future... Those who control the past,  dictate the future.  Decades of Marxist propaganda have undermined our culture, government, and Judeo-Christian ethic resulting in the fundamentals of American excellence being replaced with a socialist lie. 

    The indoctrination of our youth has gone on so long that the next two generations have bought into the HATE CAPITALISM SYNDROME... Turning this Marxist train around may well be too late.  After all, who isn't for utopia?   Who is against getting something for nothing?  However, there is a major problem with this Marxist train... it never leaves the station and never arrives at Utopia.  One gets what one pays for... Nothing gets one, nothing.  All aboard... the next stop is Oblivion... a suburban Marxist utopia.

  • Sheeple are so blinded by Satan who controls our govt.

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