
  • Too many still think we are safe enough and vote stupid! Too many think communists change and become good guys, too many think comm7nism in America would be different than it was anywhere else, etc, etc, etc!

  • Theo, agree with you nearly totally.  Too many Rihnos in Congress now.  I say tolally Artical  V .

    • Joe, I agree too but the deep state will just ignore it as they ignore everything else in the Constitution!!!!!!!!!!


  • "We The People" have two chances to stop this administrations efforts to "Change America." First being this Nov. second being  Article V of the US Constitution , call for a Convention Of The States and IMPOSE Term Limits on The Congress and go from there .  

    • Theodore, while I agree with Article V the deep state, both parties, will just ignore it like they ignore everything else in the Constitution!!!!!  America is no longer a republic governed by the Constitution but has been "fundamentally transformed" into a dictatorial oligarchy ruled with an iron fist by totalitarian politicians and bureaucrats!!!!!  The ballot box has been relegated to a sham controlled by the oligarchs!!!!!  Stalin said, "who votes doesn't matter, who counts the votes is all that matters" and We the People have seen that quote implemented here as of 2020!!!!!  Sadly, the gop establishment is in total cahoots with the devildemocommiecrats!!!!!  Their hatred for President Trump and those of us who support him has been made very plain to see!!!!!  There are a few republican patriots but they are kept on the outside looking in by the establishment hacks like mcconnell and mccarthy!!!!!  They blather and bleat but do NOTHING to impair tyranny!!!!!!!!!!


  • If we do not get rid of these radicals in Nov it might just happen

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