
  • As if America hasn't enough problems because of (blunder biden) now we are facing losing our military!!! Which I do not blame them.

    • I wouldn't worry too much about losing our military... effectively that has already occurred... Millie and Austin are seeing to that.. purging out all the racist white officers ought to do the trick.

  • The highest levels of our Gov't, fed and states, have been co-opted by China. They are going to try to suppress the Patriots and Truth Tellers. We need to call the White house every morning and demand biden's resignation and then call your congress person to submit articles of impeachment. 

    Our friends don't trust us, our enemies don't fear us and that's the way the communists want it. 

  • The foreign Countries are not the only ones. We the people do not trust any politician with the exception of a few. We also do not trust any Dept in Govt. Used to respect the CDC and FDA but no longer. thry sold out to the Dems

  • P/S... accountability for the Afghan fiasco is still unlikely as long as Pelosi and her ilk run the House..  the DNC.  It should lead to the relief of Auston, Millie and the Chiefs of Staff for the US Military as a minimum.... Central Command, US NATO commander, and all the US Gen. involved in the Afghan crisis should also all go.

    • Agreed wholeheartedly!  Buden is only a puppet, and protected by the media, and the deep state.  Pelosi doesn't allow any kind of retribution against him.  Incompetence rages on, and until we have Pelosi out of the way and the GOP in full control of both the House and the Senate, then maybe!


  • The fact is that Pres. Biden has never had the confidence of the American Public.. and now that his incompetence is fully visible the MSM is unable to control the outrage and calls to have him removed.  The MSM knows his approval rating is less than 20% even among those who should be his supporters.  The crisis of competence and support is now out of control and we can look for Article 25 or resignation to be probable... shortly.

    The only support he can count on is those of a small circle of handlers... and their perception and ability to control the narrative has tanked.  Their worldview is just so -abstract with reality even Hollywood could not spin it.

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