
  • CNN says it all when they bring in a "guest" that spouts such drivel. The KKK was and still is nothing but Demonrats like him and CNN is still a loser network..

  • Evil never prevails and the democrats know their days are numbered 

  • A lot of us care and we are going to change things on Tuesday. 

    • Really... I hope you are correct but I expect not... election fraud is now the RULE, not the exception.  Watch as our Red Wave turns into a pink ripple... under Democrat Elections supervision.

    • See the source image

      Let us hope that the Democrats are not counting the votes... using their COMMON CORE standards for math... where 1 plus 1 equals whatever feels good.

  • Mr. Pelosi's attack was not and is not the result of political activism...  his personal association with deviant individuals has nothing to do with the GOP's political agena Mr. Pelosi's conduct in this matter doesn't speak too much political violence more than bad personal relationship choices..  The sarcastic comments by the right to this incident arrise from th rediculous stories the Journalist and left wing activist are attempting to use to explain what continues to look more like bad personal relationship chices and possible deviant sexual conduct...not political activism by some supposed unidentified right-wing group;.

  • Should've compared to the Black Panthers guarding the precinct doors with clubs in 2008 and BLM guarding the same 10863983465?profile=RESIZE_930xdoors in 2016 & 2020! These groups were also harassing people coming for Trump's inauguration! 

  • I agree with Bugs Bunny! 

    • Don't forget those immortalized words of wisdom by Porky the Pig... Thaaattts all folks!   Disney land has come to DC and the three-ring circus has gone digital... give them a blue screen and anything is possible... including wars that are not wars at all... just ruses to steal billions in taxpayer dollars to finance the new world order.

    • Want a crowd... dial  Rent a Crowd Inc. a wholy owned subsidiary of BLM and the DNC... -Need Mayhem and riots... call Mayhem to order and step back as the BLM boys arrive are certain to be high on drugs and could care less what side their victims are on... they simply want more blood to fuel their rage... and of course, there are the drugs and paychecks.

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