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~ Featuring ~ 
by Tom McLaughlin ~  
Here's THE video about 2020 election that Rush Limbaugh urges you to see
by ~ If there's one video Americans need to watch before voting in the 2020 presidential race, this is it, says talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh...It features Thomas Klingenstein, the chairman of the board of the Claremont Institute, Limbaugh said Tuesday of the 17-minute video. "It's not flashy. It doesn't have massive production values. It's nothing like that. It's just one man and his legitimate reasons for Trump and his deadly, deathful fear of what this country faces if Trump loses," he said. "He goes through his explanation of what this election is really all about, what America faces. One of the most fascinating things that Mr. Klingenstein points out, is he actually says that in normal times he wouldn’t even think of voting for this man. Now, don’t take that as a negative," Limbaugh said. "Do not think you’ve got a Never Trumper here who’s changed his mind. It’s not that at all. He’s just being honest with you. In normal times, he wouldn’t think of voting for Trump. But he believes these are not normal times. He, in fact, says that in these times, Donald Trump is the only man who can save this country, is the only man who can do what is necessary to preserve the American way of life," said Limbaugh. "It's just one man and his impassioned. ... It’s not all that impassioned. It’s pretty cut and dry, straightforward," he continued. "He’s an intellectual, obviously, but he’s scared to death, folks. He’s literally scared to death like we all are, and he explains why Trump is the only person that has a prayer of saving America. "In the video, Klingenstein said the 2020 election is the most important since 1860...
scumbag/liar-Pelosi in Trouble With Democrats After Rejecting Relief Bill
by ~ Republicans know that House Speaker scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is playing politics with a COVID-19 relief bill for political gain instead of helping the country...Now her fellow Democrats are starting to see the light. Last week, scumbag/liar-Pelosi put a $2.2 trillion proposal on the table. Knowing that wouldn’t fly in the Republican-led Senate, President Trump offered a $1.8 trillion package over the weekend. scumbag/liar-Pelosi said, “no.” Now, some Democrats are calling her out for failing to think about those hurting who can’t wait until after the election for help. Trump’s plan calls for another $1,200 direct payment to Americans, an expanded unemployment benefit at $400 per week, and more money for state and local governments. That’s despite Republican concerns about bailing out poorly managed Democratic-led governments. Far-left Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) even told scumbag/liar-Pelosi to make the deal. He wasn’t alone. Former scumbag/liar-nObama Campaign Manager Dan Pfeiffer and 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful Andrew Yang also encourage scumbag/liar-Pelosi to set aside politics and help struggling Americans. scumbag/liar-Pelosi claimed the Trump administration’s proposal lacked a “strategic push to crush the virus.” While that sounds good, every proposal has been met with some kind of outlandish claim by scumbag/liar-Pelosi. As long as enough Democrats don’t push back, a deal will likely not be made before the election. 
CIA Cirector Gina Haspel “May be part of this conspiracy as well”
by sundance
{ } ~ Earlier this morning Senator Chuck Grassley Senate Finance Committee Chairman, appeared with Maria Bartiromo to discuss conflicts for documents between the legislative oversight committees, and ongoing stonewalling efforts by current FBI Director Christopher Wray and current CIA Director Gina Haspel...Senator Grassley and Senator Johnson are seeking the communication from former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and officials within the DOJ and FBI surrounding the investigative targeting of candidate Trump and President Trump. Additionally, both Grassley and Johnson are seeking internal documents connected to former CIA Director scumbag/commie-John Brennan and current CIA Director Gina Haspel. During the interview Grassley states the non-compliance with oversight may be due to former and current officials participating in a conspiracy to target the office of the president: The proverbial rabbit hole deepens.
Confirmation Hearing for Supreme Court 
Nominee Amy Coney Barrett–Day 2
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by ~ Confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett continue in the Senate today. President Trump nominated her to fill Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat...Barrett is a 48-year-old former Notre Dame law professor who clerked for the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Barrett has a record of taking conservative stances on abortion, gun rights and immigration. She once called abortion “always immoral.” The Human Rights Campaign has called her an “absolute threat to LGBTQ rights.”  
Supreme Court Nominee Barrett Answers 
Questions on Abortion, Second Amendment
{ } ~ Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett told senators in Washington on Tuesday that she would “stick to the rule of law and decide cases as they come”...when pressed on how she views Roe v. Wade, Planned Parenthood v. Casey, and District of Columbia v. Heller. Senate Judiciary Ranking Member Dianne Fein-stein (D-Calif.) asked Barrett whether she agrees with her mentor, late Justice Antonin Scalia, that Casey, which upheld Roe’s ruling that abortion access is a constitutional right, was wrongly decided. “I do want to be forthright and answer every question. On that question, I’m going to invoke Justice Elena Kagan’s description, which I think is perfectly put. She said, she was not going to grade precedent or give it a thumbs up or down, and in an area where precedent continues to be pressed and litigated, as is true of Casey, it would actually be wrong and in violation of the canons to do that as a sitting judge. Whether I say I love it or I hate it, it signals that I might tilt one way or another in a pending case,” Barrett told Fein-stein. Fein-stein asked Barrett the same question again, prompting the judge to respond that she can’t precommit to cases. “I can’t precommit or say I’m going in with an agenda because I am not. I don’t have any agenda. I have no agenda to try to overrule Casey. I have an agenda to stick to the rule of law and decide cases as they come,” she said. Asked if Casey should be overturned, Barrett said she couldn’t express views on cases or precommit to approaching them in a particular way. “What I will commit is that I will obey all the rules of stare decisis, that if a question comes up before me about whether Casey or any other case should be overruled, that I will follow the law of stare decisis applying it as the court has articulated it, applying all the factors,” she said, adding later, “I promise to do that for any issue that comes up, abortion or anything else. I will follow the law.”... 
House Rep. Introduces Resolution That Would Remove scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi as Speaker
By Andrew West
{ } ~ Things are getting downright dastardly in American politics this week, as many of us likely expected due to our proximity to the 2020 election...There is a very real crescendo of chaos occurring these days, as our elected officials not only take each other to task over the issues on which the public will decide the election, but also look to preserve their cushy and comfortable way of life. You see, the American people are growing jaded and annoyed at our public servants – especially those who’ve been suckling at the teat of taxpayers for decades. Perhaps that’s what prompted this latest resolution from Doug Collins. Rep. Doug Collins on Monday introduced a resolution to push for the removal of House Speaker scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi, claiming she “does not have the mental fitness” to lead the House of Representatives.  “Speaker scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi’s unwillingness to abide by the Constitution, combined with her recent actions, call into question her own mental fitness, which is why it’s critical that the House of Representatives demand her removal from the line of succession,” Collins said in a statement to Fox News. A draft of Collins’ resolution, obtained by Fox News, argues that scumbag/liar-Pelosi “is unable to adequately serve as Speaker of the House of Representatives and should therefore be removed from her position.” The resolution continued by suggesting that scumbag/liar-Pelosi had spent an inordinate amount of time wasting taxpayer dollars on “fruitless” investigations of the Trump administration. As of this writing, scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi has yet to issue a response.  
Grenell: scumbag-Comey, scumbag/commie-Brennan
lied to the American people, should face jail time
by ~ Former acting Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Richard Grenell announced on Sunday that he believes that some of those involved with perpetuating the “scumbag/liar-nObamagate” scandal are due for serious jail time...As the election draws ever closer, it’s more important than ever to release the documents pertaining to the Russia collusion hoax in order to expose those in the scumbaqg/liar-nObama administration that abused their power to spy on the Trump campaign. Grenell, who spent just a few short months as DNI in early 2020, was instrumental in releasing previously-classified documents shedding light on the Russia collusion hoax. Grenell told Fox’s Sunday Morning Futures that it’s obvious that the Russia collusion investigation was a “hoax” that “career intelligence officials” were aware of and weaponized to attack Donald Trump. Now, it’s time for justice to be served, according to the former intelligence official. “We now know that not only was this a Russian collusion hoax but that it was known to be a Russian collusion hoax by career intelligence officials. And that’s a really big distinction,” Grenell told host Maria Bartiromo. “We now know that insiders in the government at the CIA, at DOJ, at FBI, they knew that this was a Russian collusion hoax, and they allowed it to go forward for a variety of reasons,” he continued. “They were convinced that scumbaf/liar-Hillary would win, and they didn’t really want to challenge Goliath. They thought that their careers could be benefited if they just shut up.” Grenell said that the “key” to the “whole argument” is that prominent former scumbag/liar-nObama administration officials such as Former FBI director scumbag-James Comey and former CIA director scumbag/commie-John Brennan — among others — are “saying that they didn’t know that this was a Russian collusion hoax.” “Their people knew, and so what we need to figure out is what level are these individuals going to go to jail,” Grenell declared. “Somebody needs to go to jail and be prosecuted first, obviously, and this is a slam dunk. They lied to the American people. They knew the truth, and they hid the truth. This can never happen again. We cannot allow our government to weaponize information to hold it back.”
by Tom McLaughlin ~
When people who know her describe Amy Coney Barrett as extremely intelligent, they're understating. Today, she was being grilled. I watched Democrat after Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee try to trip her up while reading from their notes -- prepared for them by their staffs. With no notes at all, Barrett answered them, in detail, from cases she has decided or written opinions on. She spoke from memory, without stuttering, and maintaining eye contact with her questioners throughout.
Meanwhile, her inquisitors, like Amy Klobuchar, could not seem to look back at her. Klobuchar looked down at her notes while listening to Barrett's answers. The same was true for Diane Fein-stein and others. It's so obvious that while they listened, they were realizing they were overmatched. They're all smart enough people, but they're not in Barrett's league, not even close. They got flustered. Never, however, did Barrett show any sign of nervousness.  
Although Barrett stated at the beginning that she could not answer questions about cases that may come before her -- over and over, they ask her how she would rule on cases about abortion, LGBT issues, gun rights, and other issues important to the left. It's as if they didn't hear her, but of course they did. They were using their time to grandstand.  
Barrett knew she was entering the lion's den. She knew Democrats would do everything they could to prevent her from being confirmed as a conservative justice on the Supreme Court. Barrett saw what these and other Democrats did to other Catholic nominees before her: Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas, and Brett Kavanaugh. Yet Barrett remained centered, unflappable. Clearly she was rooted in her conservative Catholicism, and by that I mean she really believed what the oldest, continually-functioning institution on earth teaches, and lives her life accordingly.  
How did she remain so calm? Did she put herself in her Creator's hands as the Old Testament Daniel did when he was put into a lion's den? That's what came to my mind. Another memory that dawned on me was Jesus when Pharisees tried to trip him up. At one point, Republican Senator Cornyn of Texas mentioned that all the Senators had notebooks in front of them, and asked what note were on the pad in front of her. She held it up, for others to see. It was blank. She didn't need notes.   
I went to a physical therapy appointment at that point. When I returned, New Jersey Democrat Senator scumbag-Corey Booker was trying to trip Barrett, but again, she quoted from memory her positions on the several cases scumbag-Booker was using to confuse her. Finally, scumbag-Booker said: "I'm not the lawyer that you are, but..." and then continued trying to embarrass her. Ultimately, scumbag-Booker only succeeded in embarrassing himself. It was clearly evident to anyone watching that he never will be the lawyer Barrett is.  

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