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~ Featuring ~ 
Judge Barrett and the Second Amendment
Trump Cuts Off ’60 Minutes’ Interview With Lesley Stahl, Threatens To Publish Footage Himself
{ } ~ President Donald Trump reportedly cut off a ’60 Minutes’ interview with reporter Lesley Stahl at the White House on Tuesday, going on to threaten to publish the interview himself prior to airtime...Stahl’s interview with the president is scheduled to release Sunday. Trump reportedly  left the interview after 45 minutes and never returned for a post-interview walk-and-talk with Stahl and Vice President Mike Pence. Neither the White House nor Stahl have offered any details as to what topics or questions led to the cut off, though Trump called it a “fake and biased interview.” Trump and several members of the White House press office began tweeting anecdotes critical of Stahl shortly after the interview concluded. Trump criticized her for not wearing a mask after the interview, with White House Deputy Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt adding that Stahl had criticized her for not wearing a mask earlier that day. This is not the first time Trump has had a contentious interview with Stahl. He previously interviewed with her for ’60 Minutes’ in 2018 in a wide ranging conversation featuring testy back-and-forth moments. Stahl and 60 Minutes have yet to respond to Trump’s threat to publish the interview.
Trump Refuses To Let scumbag/liar-Schiff's Attempt To Spin Biden Laptop Story Fly: 'He's a Sick Man'
By Joe Saunders 
{ } ~ For a congressman who represents the showbiz capital of the world, Rep. scumbag/liar-Adam Schiff seems to be having trouble coming up with a new plotline for his never-ending attacks against the president of the United States...Prior to taking the point position in the sham impeachment trial of President Donald Trump earlier this year, House Intelligence Committee Chairman scumbag/liar-Adam Schiff spent years assuring Americans that there was evidence “in plain sight” that the Trump campaign had “colluded” with Russia during the 2016 election. Now, as the Hunter Biden laptop scandal puts new pressure on the campaign of Democratic nominee scumbag drumbling lips liar-Joe Biden, scumbag/liar-Schiff is going back to the well, assuring Americans that the Biden laptop story is a “false narrative” coming right out of Russia. In a telephone interview Tuesday on “Fox & Friends,” Trump called scumbag/liar-Schiff out on his serial lying — and didn’t hold back. Co-host Will Cain (filling in for Steve Doocy) kicked off the nearly hour-long interview by asking directly about the laptop, and efforts in the mainstream media to downplay what could be explosive revelations it contains about the scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden family’s dealings with China and Ukraine. “Many on the left, and many in the mainstream media, are suggesting this is nothing but a Russian disinformation campaign,” Cain said. “What do you say to that?” Trump wasted no time hitting his target.“It’s just crazy. I saw Shifty scumbag/liar-Schiff get up yesterday and say this is Russia. He’s a sick man. He is so sick,” Trump said. “We went through two and a half years of that, plus. This guy, he ought to be put away, or he ought to be, you know, something should happen with him.” Check it out here. The laptop question comes about the 40-second mark of the video: “I watched him look straight at the camera and say it. And he laughs at it,” Trump said. “They laugh in the back rooms at it. “Thank goodness we had John Ratcliffe that came out — the head of DNI — and he said it’s absolutely false, there’s nothing, nothing to do with Russia. And it never did have to do.” Trump was referring to statements scumbag/liar-Schiff made Friday to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer trying to downplay the Biden laptop story, and those made by Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe refuting scumbag/liar-Schiff’s claim. “Hunter Biden’s laptop is not part of some Russian disinformation campaign, and I think it is clear that the American people know that,” Ratcliffe said. Anyone who’s paid attention over the past few years couldn’t be surprised at scumbag/liar-Schiff being called a liar... 
Republicans Block Chuck scumbag-Schumer's Desperate Attempt To Stop Barrett Confirmation
By Erin Coates 
{ } ~ Republicans blocked Senate Minority Leader Chuck scumbag-Schumer’s Monday move to adjourn the Senate until after the presidential election in protest of the effort to confirm Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett before the end of October...“We are not going to have business as usual here in the Senate while the Republicans try to use an illegitimate process to jam through a Supreme Court nominee,” scumbag-Schumer tweeted  Monday. “Tonight, I’m forcing action on a vote to undo the Trump admin’s gutting the Community Reinvestment Act,” he added. The  forced vote on a motion to adjourn followed the roll call vote under the Congressional Review Act to consider the Trump administration’s relaxing of banking regulations for low-income borrowers, Fox News reported. The vote failed 48-43 along party lines before the New York Democrat motioned to adjourn the Senate. “This is the most rushed … most partisan, least legitimate Supreme Court nomination process in our nation’s history — in our nation’s entire history — and it should not proceed,” scumbag-Schumer said. “Therefore, I will move to adjourn the Senate until after Nov. 3 election, with the ability to come back into session if there is a bipartisan agreement on a COVID relief package.” He was told his motion was out of order so he appealed the ruling then motioned to table his appeal, basically putting up a motion in opposition of his own effort to adjourn the Senate. That motion succeeded 48-42, meaning scumbag-Schumer’s effort to shut down the Senate was blocked by Republicans. This is not the first time scumbag-Schumer has tried to take over the Senate floor as part of the Democrats’ fight to keep the Senate from confirming Barrett until after the election... 
Mark Meadows Informs Court President Authorized Declassification of Documents Did Not Order It
by sundance
{} ~ Federal Judge Reggie Walton saw an opportunity to give media (Buzzfeed and CNN) their request for all documents from the Weissmann/Mueller investigation when President Trump wrote a tweet on October 6, 2020, re-emphasizing declassification...Seemingly Judge Walton wanted to interpret the tweets as authority for the declassification of material underlying the Mueller probe. As a consequence Walton asked for clarification from White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. Mr. Meadows responded to the request from the court with a one-page statement: Meadows affirmed that President Trump was just re-authorizing AG Bill Barr to execute the same declassification authorities previously granted on May 23, 2019. The president’s tweets were not “orders”. Judge Walton has scheduled a hearing for Wednesday to address the sufficiency of the White House’s response. 
Investigation Prompts Schools to Report $6.5 Billion in Undisclosed Foreign Gifts and Contracts
{ } ~ American Universities failed to report $6.5 billion in foreign gifts and contracts, an investigation by the Department of Education found...Federal law requires schools to disclose substantial foreign gifts and contracts to the Department of Education (DOE) twice a year. Many have for years failed to do so, while others severely underreported the income. The deluge of the financial disclosures poured in as the department opened investigations into 12 elite universities. Universities reported receiving a total of more than $19.6 billion in foreign gifts and contracts from 2014 to 2020, including nearly $1.5 billion from China, almost $3.1 billion from Qatar, and more than $1.1 billion from Saudi Arabia, according to historical DOE data and most recent figures posted on its new online reporting portal. Carnegie Mellon University reported receiving almost $1.61 billion in foreign gifts and contracts, the most of any university. Harvard tops the list in terms of total funds received from China, reporting nearly $116 million. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos unveiled the findings of the investigation at an event on Oct. 20, alongside officials from the Justice Department and the State Department. “The threat is real, so we took action to make sure the public is afforded the transparency the law requires,” DeVos said. “We found pervasive noncompliance by higher-ed institutions and significant foreign entanglement with America’s colleges and universities.”... 
An Iran Lobby in America?
{ } ~ Political divisions in the United States may be widening on a broad range of political and policy concerns, but the country is still relatively united on at least one issue...Since the Islamic Republic of Iran’s revolutionary ascent in 1979, Americans of nearly all political stripes have viewed it as a hostile and threatening actor — and sometimes even an evil one. Of course, this sentiment has not always been expressed in policy; scumbag/liar-nObama White House Deputy national-security adviser Ben Rhodes famously bragged about the way he and his team manipulated the mainstream media and other “outside groups” who then “validated what they had given them to say” about the controversial Iran nuclear agreement.  Yet there is still an American consensus on what the Iranian regime was and is. A Gallup poll released March 3 found that no country is held in as much contempt by Americans as Iran. Among those polled, an astonishing 88 percent have a “very” or “mostly” unfavorable view of the country, a negative impression exceeding even that of Kim Jong-un’s totalitarian North Korea. A 2019 poll also reflected this consensus: 93 percent of Americans designated the Iranian regime’s development of nuclear weapons as a “critical” or “important” threat, and 90 percent placed Iran’s military power as a threat rising to those same categories of urgency. It is true that Americans have reasonable differences on what to do about the Iranian regime’s threatening militancy and sponsorship of terror. But it matters that they do not disagree on the present nature of the regime itself. Thus one might think that the possibility of the Iranian regime’s having companionable spokesmen in American politics — or, even more outrageously, having a whole Washington, D.C.-based organization with a history of echoing the regime’s positions on the most crucial components of U.S.-Iranian relations — would rightfully concern most Americans. Yet that appears to be precisely what is taking place. The National Iranian American Council (NIAC) was founded in 2002 by Trita Parsi, an Iranian-born dual citizen of Iran and Sweden, former employee at the Swedish mission to the United Nations, and a vocal champion of President scumbag/liar-nObama’s controversial Iran nuclear agreement. Parsi has consistently diminished the magnitude of the threat of the Iranian regime while simultaneously blaming most of the Middle East’s troubles on U.S. policies in the region. NIAC was born from a 1999 white paper written by Parsi and an Iranian-born businessman seeking expanded commercial ties with the U.S. This white paper set out the new strategy for advancing their foreign-policy vision: holding “seminars in lobbying for Iranian-American youth and intern opportunities in Washington D.C.” and reducing “the taboo of working for a new approach on Iran.” These were key elements of their cultural and institutional strategy aimed at reshaping public debate on Iran policy, recognizing that their position was not shared by most Iranian Americans, much less the country at large. Just over two years after the white paper’s publication, co-author Parsi formally founded NIAC...  
Judge Barrett and the Second Amendment
MICHAEL SWARTZ    We’ve been beating this drum for quite a while now, but the just-completed Senate testimony of Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett reminds us that the High Court has let a fair number of Second Amendment cases go by the boards since the Heller decision 12 years ago.

Having testified before the Senate that she would stick to the “original meaning” of the Second Amendment and that “its original public meaning, not the intent of any particular drafter” is what’s important, Barrett saw the Left zero in on one particular case she heard as part of the Seventh Circuit.

In Kanter v. Barr, Barrett was the lone dissenter in a case where the plaintiff, convicted in a nonviolent felony fraud case, sued to regain the right to bear arms he’d lost due to that conviction. To open her dissent, Barrett explained, “History is consistent with common sense: it demonstrates that legislatures have the power to prohibit dangerous people from possessing guns. But that power extends only to people who are dangerous. Founding-era legislatures did not strip felons of the right to bear arms simply because of their status as felons. Nor have the parties introduced any evidence that founding-era legislatures imposed virtue-based restrictions on the right; such restrictions applied to civic rights like voting and jury service, not to individual rights like the right to possess a gun. In 1791 — and for well more than a century afterward — legislatures disqualified categories of people from the right to bear arms only when they judged that doing so was necessary to protect the public safety.”

Because Rickey Kanter was previously convicted of a felony — even one as far removed from violence as mail fraud — it was enough for the state of Wisconsin to revoke his rights, according to the two judges who upheld the district court decision (both Ronald Reagan appointees, interestingly enough).

In light of Barrett’s well-argued and thoughtful opinion, gun-control advocates are working hard to stop her confirmation. “The [Kanter] opinion is very revelatory,” explained UCLA law professor and author Adam Winkler. “It really shows that she has a very expansive view of gun rights, likely one even broader than Justice Antonin Scalia.” Taking the next illogical, emotion-based, slippery-slope step, Winkler whined, “Does that mean that there’s a constitutional right to have machine guns because there’s no strong historical precedent for banning those weapons?”

Reporting on these “grave concerns” of the gun-grabbers, NPR’s Carrie Johnson agreed, adding, “Scores of federal judges have upheld that blanket ban for people convicted of felonies after balancing the Second Amendment against public safety.”

Here, we’d note that throughout our nation’s history, scores of federal judges have also misinterpreted the common-sense language of the Constitution.

A more clear-headed analyst might argue, as The Heritage Foundation’s Amy Swearer did, “If Barrett is ‘extreme’ with respect to the right to keep and bear arms, it’s only because the Constitution itself offers an ‘extreme’ protection of that right.” Swearer continued, “As an originalist, she would not change the meaning or extent of that protection just because gun control activists — or any other activists — wish it to be so.”

The language within our Second Amendment is very plain: “shall not be infringed” means exactly what it says. “We the People” can be the “well-regulated militia” if we’re so inclined, but it’s not required that we be one for the Second Amendment to remain in effect.

Perhaps Justice Clarence Thomas will get his wish — the one he (most recently expressed in the case of Rogers v. Grewal) — and we’ll begin hearing Second Amendment cases at the Supreme Court again after a long hiatus. With a plethora of new restrictions such as accessory bans and “red flag” laws having been introduced, clarification is long overdue.   ~The Patriot Post

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