
  • They made money on the deaths, hospitals got 5000 for each who died of Covid, so everyone was dying of, not with Covid! 

    • My doc told me it was close to $100,00 per death.

    • Sorry I didn't realize it was a question! They are still covered up!

  • Everything he and they are now acknowledging as truth now, was available during the 1st month of the CovID sham show. I found out in one month. What's their excuse? They could have issued subpoenas for anyone they wanted at any time. The Great Barrington Declaration was signed by 20,000 Doctors, real doctors. This was early. They saw and they put their names on that document. They went public. Any of them could and would have testified to Congress had they been asked. Congress in sum total-----LET the administrative agencies kill and keep killing. Our own military. Pilots. All of America and all of the world. 

    There is no excusing what they all let happen. If I knew they sure should have known. New channels sprung up with information. Telegram for one. Frontline Doctors for another source and they went public right in dc. On camera. And that was early. DR. Z came out with the Zelensky Protocol. Dr. Sherry Tenpenny. McCullough. Martin. Mike Adams of Natural News ran his own tests and spoke out. The truth began and kept springing up like spring weeds. The African President who sent in papayas and fruits to be tested and they all came back positive. He went public and then he was dead. Then other African Presidents were dead. And all of Congress turned a collective blind eye to what was already known. And the inventor of the pcr test himself said it was NOT a diagnostic tool and was wrongly calibrated to purposefully result in a Positive "diagnosis." They ALL let churches be shut down and small businesses be destroyed. They ALL masked up like fools and breathed their own toxic waste.They ALL let our Natural rights be destroyed. And our military weakened. And the global police state threaded itself through every single person's life who happened to be breathing on this earth. 

    There is NO EXCUSE. 

    • We also need to question all those businesses that shut down......people didn't dare to stand! We have no courage, that's what was tested with Covid......Will the people fold, and most of them did. In that moment of worldwide fear......they could have taken over, take control of the entire world. I'd like to think it would never happen again, people would not stand for it.......but look at what is goin on with the Jews! 

    • That also was what was being exposed. You are so right. Our cowardice got us to this place. Or ignorance. Either way it takes one to shove and one to play dead or deaf or dumb.

    • Plus the MAC numbers that showed up on doctor's phones when a jxx'd patient entered their office proved the magnetic response to 5G wifi, was turning people into beings that can be read digitally and with a single blast of 5G, which is just short of a military weapon, be turned OFF  and be dead. Four conductive elements are in that 'thing.' And that exact thing HAPPENED in Wuhan and was documented and published again and again. Dropping dead. Streetcorners. Stores. I saw it. A short spinning. Then the drop dead. I saw it multiple times. Wuhan was China's first full rollout of 5G. There is NO EXCUSE!

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