
  • We are losing all of our traditional loyal and law-abiding institutions... they are being co-opted by the Marxist Democrat Party... Trump may need to consider outlawing any Marxist institutions and political parties as they are innately subversive... insurrection is their forte'


  • God we need Trump!

  • The long-term goal for this apparent innocuous action is to redirect our military as a UN Military force... The Globalist leadership in the US military looks to accomplish the redirection of its mission through incremental change to the Military's mission and training objectives...

    The Senior leadership in our military is focusing the US military's traditional role away from its Constitutional mission ... to function as an Arm of the UN as a NEW  WORLD ORDER POLICE FORCE... 

    The reordering of the Military Academies mission statement is one more bold step in the end game... to equip the UN with a ready-made Army at US taxpayer expense.



  • Where is Congress... stop confirming woke Generals and senior leaders... in fact, impeach those who refuse to keep their oath to protect and defend the US Constitution.

  • If you listen to Mo they said Honor and Duty are covered under another directive but Country being Eliminated kind of backs up the Globalist Marxists view of No Borders.

  • Hell yes, boot them all out without any pensions or monetary gain!!!

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