Just recently Joe Biden made a decision on who he is going to give American Tax dollars to for SIX MONTHS, to pay for EVERYTHING destroyed in the wake of California fires. While I applaud him for doing that, i would like to know why he sent $8B to the Ukraine while only giving a paltry $750, and that $750 being a loan to the Appalachian Victims of the storms? There have been no recources or help given to them from the Government so far. Could it be because they mostly voted for Trump? They pay their taxes like Califorians do, so why no help? They are in a worse situation with the freezing weather than California is. Why did FEMA tear down the temporary housing the Amish built to help house the victims? Anything the victims have are the things and help they gave themselves!
See the Video at;
I have an idea on how we can decimate the Democrats two years from now;
I challenge everyone who wants to stop the evil the Democrats have embraced, to do this;
Keep a running list complete with reference links, to all the bad and controversial things they have done since the Election, what they are doing to severely damage us until Trump is sworn in, and the next two years of anything harmful the Democrats do. Do this on a Local, State, and National level.
Once the primaries are 6 weeks to a month away, start flooding social media with all the links and descriptive texts of actual bad decisions and controversial calls they made, which in any way harmed Americans or American interests. Do the same for the actual November Elections.
Doing this will remind the public of the toxic actions they committed. Actions the Democrats want us to forget. The lists must be created, compiled and ready for use. The Democrats are already doing this, will keep doing this, and will intensify the same things against anyone in power who fights against their (traitorous?) agendas.
This is a good idea, especially since we are watching one performance after another, the DS is on stage and we are spinning, turning our heads to the left, right, then left, right, then up, then down. We are in one of the most important times for our beloved nation. And they are keeping us spinning, for a purpose. Magician's sleight-of-hand,