How can we have a stable government, if it can potentially be turned upside down and inside out, every four years?
None of the existing political parties will ever propose Term Limits, Balanced Budget with Major Penalties to Congress Representives and Senators if not done in time specified, Permanent end to CR's except in WWII type of war, End to congress giving itself pay raises, End to popular election of Senators and relegate them back to representing their States interests in Congress as was intended by the Great Compromise of 1787, End to Federal Reserve & IRS, Return to gold-silver-copper backed money, End to electronic voting machines, End to extended voting except for deployed Americans, Required government picture ID to vote, Force government employees to pay into Social Security and have same rules as American People do for retirement purposes, Enhanced border security on permanent basis, End practice of anchor babys born of foreign parents in mthis country, having automatic citizenship. Freedom of choice in religion, not freedom from religion so the nation can return to God and keep the Commandments without fear of government persecution.
These are just a few of the things we need agree on as a nation and among ourselves, to secure by Amendments, to insure our Childrens, and our Nations, continuing survival. It also takes the peoples power over their government that has been slowly siphoned away over the decades, by Congress for itself.
YES to ALL of these ideas.