Oppressed societies do not automatically rebel. Perhaps contrary to intuition, oppressed populations have a tendency to keep their heads down. Despite their misery, they continue their increasingly dismal lives, until something shocks them into action.
The United States did not automatically rebel against the tyranny of King George. As the Declaration of Independence tells us, "all experience has shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable[.]" And suffer the colonists did, for many years, complaining and protesting. The Boston Massacre occurred in 1770, and the Tea Party in 1773, but not until 1776 did the rebellion finally break out.
If we are so predisposed to long suffering, then why do rebellions occur?
Rebellions occur when three internal conditions are met, along with at least one external factor, for a total of four elements. I will list them here, not necessarily in order of importance.
There must be a leader, a population of followers, and a defining moment. These are the three internal factors. There must also be an external factor. In the American Revolution, that was the king of France, whose navy tipped the scales at Yorktown, where the British finally surrendered.
The leader must have a number of qualities, including charisma, competence, and courage. When the general public recognizes these qualities, they will follow that leader to the gates of Hell, but only when the other conditions are met.
The second factor, the followers, are already motivated before the leader appears. The Declaration of Independence describes these motivations. The description includes, "a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, [which] evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism ... a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states."
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What the Democrats are doing now is cause for a second Declarastion of Independence. We're on the rise and fall of rome playbook now!!!
"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of the ends, it is the Right of the people to alter or abolish it."
I most certainly agree with you Colonel, but our governmental institutionshave failed us at every level. Most assuredly the courts and our corrupt DOJ. They are as corrupt as those who purport to be in power as we speak. I fear the time for lawful action has passed. We (America First Patriots) are now labeled as Domestic Terrorists because of our conservative views and our love of country. When they criminalize law abiding citizens, they made outlaws of us all. The law of our land no longer serves the patriots, it serves only the corrupt. I am not one to espouse violence, but I fear they have given us no other alternative. They have waged war on us, not we upon them.
Know Your Enemy... mark them well.
Know your ENEMY... it isn't the common man on the street, it isn't the Black, Red, Yellow, or Whiteman, it is the political class and their allies that have brought us to this point in time. If there is to be civil war wage it upon your enemies ... not your neighbor or fellow workers... not those who have faithfully worked all their lives to support our Constitution and its Republican form of government.
Separate friend from foe... know your enemy, it is the progressive, pragmatist and political hack, whose only thought is to feed their own belly and that of their kind. Those evil men and women, who would deceitfully use their neighbor to advance their own cause, whose entire existence has been one of self-promotion.. are the common enemy of the People. The opportunist, Marxist, pragmatist, and Globalist, and professional politician have sold out America for a seat of power in the New World Order.
Know your enemy and target them for your wrath... not your neighbor or the misguided poor and minority, used by the politically corrupt to usurp the power and consent of the common man. Instead, turn these misguided souls around, expose the lies of their masters and benefactors for what they are... traitors, broken cisterns, filled with corruption. Encourage the misguided to re-think the path they have chosen and if they will not turn from it... mark them out for the wrath of the righteous judge... who will judge the foolish with their wicked masters.
Know your enemy and mark them well... For the seek anonymity among the people. They speak with the twisted metaphor, promising what they have no intention of delivering. These evil men and women seek their own ends and are prepared to reach their goals by any means necessary. Be not deceived by their feigned service, as they are corrupt, incapable of honorable service to our nation. It is the corrupt pettifogger who seeks to fundamentally transform our heritage, too engage a new world order... whether the people consent or not.
Thomas Jefferson warned: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.” It is the essence of man's struggle, that after suffering many abuses, and patiently enduring the tyrant's whip, that they cast off the chains of oppression; too, take their rightful place as the sovereigns of their destiny. Know this: those who oppose the right of the people, to be sovereign are the enemies of liberty. The CONSENT of the People to be governed is the cornerstone of liberty. It is the tyrant that opposes the sovereignty of the People who must be marked for removal from government power.
Mark well the enemy of the People's sovereignty... for they would soon bring a Nation to heal and a People to chains...
However, let us first exhort Pres. Trump to assemble a Red States Governor's conference... to raise the support for an Article 5 Convention, to draft and pass a Government Recall Amendment. The Amendment should be worded to recall the current government (elected, appointed, and SES) subject to new elections, appointments, and commissions. Pres. Trump has the resources and demonstrated ability to muster the necessary support (34 States) to call an Article 5 Convention and to ratify a RECALL AMENDMENT (38 States).
While in session, the Convention of States could consider other Amendments (term limits, balanced budget, etc) needed to rescue our Constitutional Republic from the lawless and despotic reign of the Marxist, Globalist, and Pragmatists, who have sold out our Republic for personal gain and power.
Let us all call, write, and communicate with our State leadership and Pres. Trump... exhorting them to organize and resource a consortium of 38 States needed to convene an Article 5 Convention and to RATIFY the Amendments necessary to recall the current government, and provide for the election, appointment, and commission of new government officials.
We must engage the lawful Constitutional processes our forefathers provided... to reign in corruption in government. Don't give the Marxist a basis to start a civil war; be prepared, to use all lawful and necessary means to restore Constitutional law and government. That includes the joint drafting and passing of anti-commandeering and nullification legislation, in the several States, while the convention works on a Recall Amendment.
Whatever is decided as a free people we must act IMMEDIATELY... time is not their ally... History doesn't treat the timid kindly, nor the hesitant from the blade of tyrants.
President Trump was the leader, the call to freedom. The media in all it's forms stepped on our pitchforks.
We need new pitchforks... New tools that are not subject to interdiction and the conflation of the MSM. Our founding fathers gave us Article 5 of the US Constitution as a powerful tool to dismantle... too, recall a rogue Federal Government. It is past time we use it.
Pres. Trump An Amendment to recall 'all' of the current government... Every elected official, appointed and has the resource and proven ability to lead the call for a Recall Amendment... SES commissioned bureaucrats subject to new elections, appointments and commissions. The People can DRAIN THE SWAMP with an Article 5 Constitutional Convention to pass the necessary AMendments to reign in a rogue Federal Government.
Call, write, and otherwise communicate the need to IMMEDIATELY ACT to call an Article 5 convention and too, pass a RECALL AMENDMENT.... Recalling those elected in the November 2020 fraudulent election. RECALL ALL the agents of the deep state... all elected, appointed, and SES Buearacracy, subject to new elections, appointments, and commissions.
Sadly I do believe it is coming
The French Revolution has come to America. It is time to annihilate the elites who seek to destroy us and our country. It is time for us to demonstrate in the streets against a government who has become the enemy of We the People. We have the leader we need. He is the President we elected whom the elites overthrew in the 2020 election.