What Can We Do About Federal Overreach...

Call a Red State convention to draft Anti-Commandeerng and Nulificaiton legislation... that addresses the key issues regarding federal government overreach... draft and present a unified declaration declaring the 2020 election fraudulent and demand that Congress call new elections free of fraud. 

Establish a unified front regarding the rights of states to enforce border security... affirm and define our right to keep and bear arms, affirm and define the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 9th, and 10th amendments... by proclamation and referendum...  unmistakenly define our civil liberties as citizens and state's rights.  Issue several joint proclamations which define acceptable covid policy, immigration standards, and clarify the difference between lawful immigration and an INVASION by mass migration.  Address several other issues of federal overreach by developing anti-commandeering and nullification legislation.  Issue joint policy proclamations that are uniformly administered by the Red States.  Draft legislation that all States can use to reign in the excesses of federal power. 

Organize a unified front to correct federal abuses... bring joint lawsuits and other actions to bear on the problems of federal overreach.  Propose and create draft petitions and organize state-sponsored assemblies that demonstrate the states' resolve to return government to its original purpose and authority under the US Constitution.

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  • Any interest in motivating State Governors, Legislatures, and Attorney Generals to intercede for the soverign rights of the state and its people?  Th traditional leadership of a nation starts in the home and leans heavily on the righteous leadership of local politicians and community leaders.  Where are they?  Why are the States so dormant and sanguine in their response to thee overreach of the Federal Government... breaching every Constitujtonal restraint on its powers.

    Common citizens are now being threatened by the President... for having dissident concepts of government and for demonstrating their displeasure over the Federal Governments political policies and governance... over attacking majority populations for insisting on Constitutional Government.  This must stop.

  • Looks like the Lemmings are in charge at the RNC... willing to run happily into oblivion.  Elections are not a viable solution unless of course you are in on the fraud and everything is the product of shared government... managed to assure the status quo maintains power?

  • The GOP has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to rally the people in defense of our heritage and historic form of Constitutional Government... by organizing a Red State Convention to do as suggested in the body of this post.   However, it will be a great surprise if they take such action, as they appear to be complicit with the debacle we find ourselves restrained to accept or risk civil war.  The RINO's simply don't get it as they are out of touch with their base and conservative America's frustrations and anger at its political class... revolution is indeed brewing in the basements of American homes... and will soon be spilling into the streets of American cities if relief is not soon found.

    • Any anyone interested in taking lawful and peaceful actions to restore Constitutional Government... or is everyone in DC too busy lining their pockets and securing their power.

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