Constitution - Imgflip

The Founding Fathers told us how to solve contested elections.

The rule of law is under attack in America. Evidence shows politicians are trying to transform the nation by emphasizing ends over means. Former United States federal prosecutor Sidney Powell claims to have evidence exposing large-scale voter fraud. During an interview with Fox Business, Powell said she had “staggering statistical evidence” that a leading voting machine firm, Dominion Voter Systems, stole votes from U.S. President Donald Trump.

“Well, I can hardly wait to put forth all the evidence we have collected on Dominion, starting with the fact it was created to produce altered voting results in Venezuela for Hugo Chávez and then shipped internationally to manipulate votes for purchase in other countries, including this one,” she told Lou Dobbs on November 13. “It was funded by money from Venezuela and Cuba, and China has a role in it also. So, if you want to talk about foreign election interference, we certainly have it now. We have staggering statistical evidence.”

What Powell is talking about is the biggest political scandal in U.S. history—if proved true.

If corrupt politicians can get away with using Communist-funded software to rig an election, then we no longer live in a constitutional republic. We live in an authoritarian technocracy.

But shockingly, it seems most political and media figures do not want to give Powell a chance to present her evidence. News sources, from the center-left Washington Post to the center-right Wall Street Journal, have condemned Powell’s claims as a conspiracy theory, and former President Barack Obama said in an interview with 60 Minutes that President Trump needs to “put the country first” and concede the election right away. A group of 1,000 attorneys published a letter on November 10 making similar demands. They accused President Trump of violating his oath to the U.S. Constitution by claiming there was evidence of voter fraud.

Of course, none of these figures say what specific clause of the Constitution President Trump had violated. That is because the Constitution does not prohibit presidents from investigating voter fraud. In fact, as the nation’s chief law enforcement executive, you could say the Constitution mandates that he investigate these fraud allegations.

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  • By hook or by crook. Biden is too corupt to run the country. He's also a dunce and an idiot. I will take up arms if nessary to stop this fraud. We need marching orders.

    • I agree with you 100%

  • Joe Biden needs to concede immediately for the good of this great nation.  Over half of American believe the election was fraudulent. Trump won by a landslide.  Biden did not win.  Biden needs to go back to his basement.

    • Yes agree 100%

  • What makes these claims so believable is that the Democrats would claim these to be crazy conspiracy theories and sheep dip the providers of these outlandish claims to be false accusations. Like Maxwell smart always said, "this is crazy enough to work" I wouldn't put anything past those commie's.

  • To hell with them Keep Fight Mr. President bring this corruption to the light so the American people can snuff it out PERMANETLY.

  • Donald Trump has the right to fight against the Democrats.

    • Exactly!

  • The tentacles of the deep state reach far and wide. Trump needs to assume total authority over every nook of this country to clean out the swamp. If he does not succeed you know that the deep state will come after him once he leaves the White House. We the people must protect Trump! We can't turn our back on him ever. 

  • President Trump has to stand and fight he is the leader of this country and has shown his love of the people, the Constitution, and God. We are fighting the most difficult enemy. The enemy within, the political/media complex controled by the powerful, brainwashing and deceving the ignorant. Our own countrymen, most of them are basicly good people, that would not condone the left if they knew the truth. Our countrymen can not be blamed for the evil that controles them, but they also can not be helped as long as they believe the lies of the socialists/communists. This election has been four years in the making, the left learned a lot by the mistakes they made trying to get clinton elected to carry on obama's degradation of America. President Trump stopped them in their tracks and reversed the dammage they had done.This time the left has planned, and gotten all their machinery in place to cheat, steal, mannipulate the election in every way the can. We have one Constitutional safe-guard the founding fathers gave us. That is the Electoral College. It is the responsibility of the Electoral College to protect and uphold the Constitution. It is their duty to make certain that the presidency is not taken over by the enemies of America. If the Electoral College fails us and allows the socialist/communist to take over this country there may not be anyother option than a call to arms.

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