
    1. Biden should come down to earth and accept the election was fraud and conceded.President Trump must not conceded @
  • Of course Donald Trump won this election.  Everyone knows this fact and yet the "activist judges", and I include the SCOTUS justices in this catagory, refuse to actually sit down and hear the evidence.  It is time for a mass seccession that divides this nation into two sides.  One part could be called the United Liberal Socialist States.  The other could be call the The Founders's Intent.

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    • Slo-joe hasn't conceded only because the lyingbitchofBenghazi told him not to "under any circumstances".  She told him that because she does know law, if nothing else.  President Trump's advisers also know the law and now we do, too!  So neither one will concede and if the recounts and lawsuits don't supply enough overwhelming votes to keep Trump in office, the electoral college meets on Dec. 14th and IF that happens to be a "tie" the House gets to decide the issue - - and I hope not.  But, nutty nan doesn't have a big enough majority now and some moderate democrats might just be "convinced" to vote with the GOP.  I pray it does NOT go that far.

  • Saw this vido earlier; be sure to watch it - - truly a lesson in Constitutional Law.  Our Founders were NOT dummies!

    • Sorrry-typo again ; "saw this video earlier" was what I intended.

  • exelent video but there is no way to share it on parler we need another button as I am off twitter and facebook.I will not be on a platform that stops free speach or censors it


  • The world will be a better place.  The American people will be free from tyranny for at least 4 more years!

    • But then the next Presidental election the demorats will be ready again with more tricks and aggression.

  • President Trump is no dummy, and neither are Sydney Powell, Rudy Guiliani or the other legal experts on the Trump team. They may just be getting ready to spring the trap and expose the biggest corruption scandal in our nation's history since Obama spied on the Trump campaign and used the FBI and CIA to do it. If Biden somehow wins and takes office, they will do everything in their power to make sure that all evidence of that deception and subterfuge will be buried so deep and wiped so clean that future generations may never know that it even happened. (Kinda like Hillary Clinton's emails?)

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