Leftists Inciting Violence - Imgflip

Credit Scott Adams with the best conservative strategy since Reagan's "We win. They lose," plan against the USSR. A couple of weeks ago on a Periscope broadcast, he introduced his "Aggressive Compliance with the Rules" plan. Under this strategy, Republicans would have to demand that Democrats play by the Democrats' rules.

Adams suggests that this be applied in the case of impeachment. He argues that Democrats' case against Trump be made against them. Democrats argue that he incited people to violence in his January 6 speech, as stated in the articles against him:

Shortly before the Joint Session commenced, President Trump, addressed a crowd at the Ellipse in Washington, DC. There, he reiterated false claims that "we won this election, and we won it by a landslide". He also willfully made statements that, in context, encouraged — and foreseeably resulted in — lawless action at the Capitol, such as: "if you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore". Thus incited by President Trump, members of the crowd he had addressed, in an attempt to, among other objectives, interfere with the Joint Session's solemn constitutional duty to certify the results of the 2020 Presidential election, unlawfully breached and vandalized the Capitol, injured and killed law enforcement personnel, menaced Members of Congress, the Vice President, and Congressional personnel, and engaged in other violent, deadly, destructive, and seditious acts.

Adams says fine. If that's the standard to remove Trump from office, it must also be the standard for removing members of Congress as well.

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  • If the warped democommies succeed in setting this kind of precedent, then WE can go after fraudbama and completely remove him from the historic equation.

  • 80 Million of us that voted legally for Trump, listened to the hearings in state after state with Citizens testifying about the frauds. We saw video's, we saw reports independentely made on the voter machines. We saw reports from foreign countries that were connected to our voter machines and assisted in creating a win for Biden. Sometimes with fake votes and sometimes simply moving Thousands of Trump votes to Biden. No one will ever convince us that Biden won. The entire world know it. 

    One the 2nd impeachment, Trump's attorney said on Newsmax today that he wanted them to procees. It would set a precidence so they could apply it to at least one past president that needs it  He also said the fake impeachment won't affect Trump at all. 

  • Scores of conservatives AND businesses are leaving blue states and relocating to red states; the red states need to hold their ground and refuse to bow to the demands of the DC commies.  The blue states will gradually just die and the democommies lose their perceived control.

  • Demonrats are liars and never play by the rules. Did you forget that they even stole an election? 

  • "What if Democrats were forced to play by their own rules?"

    Then Democrats would not be Alinskyites anymore,

    if forced to profess their convictions in actions and words (they will lie).

    But clearly their ethics are situationally observed, and appear to change with the wind.

    Only the reckless emotional desire to change society expediently, is held steadfast.

  • Yep, Bernie Sanders is right... 2022 is gonna be a HORRIFIC LOSS for the Dems, on a big, beautiful scale that's never been seen before.  [ snarc off ]

    Even the Dems' 2010 devastation will pale by comparison to 2022- assuming the Dems accelerate their job- and wealth-killing "progressive legislation".  Remember, 2010 was the beginning of the Tea Party, and the full "enjoyment" of OBAMACARE by folks who finally understood what was in it... because Nancy Peolsi had finally passed it.  

    And in 2024, the voters will remember how they voted in 2022... AND WHY THEY VOTED THAT WAY!!!

    • If we don't get the vote fraud situation fixed no conservative will EVER be elected to any national office again...


    • Fixing elections laws is the responsibility of state legislatures... MOST or which are REPUBLICAN!!  I would not mind seeing the Convention of States take on elections reform at the fed / constitutional level, too.

  • We could eliminate a lot of democratic senators with that strategy. They have been calling for violence in the streets for a year.

  • All these lying broads make me sick

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