
  • This is not about PRE-ELECTION disinformation or misinformation, or illegal election influence... This is about controlling the reports of suspected or real Election and Voter Fraud that may occur in the COMING ELECTION. The  FBI is meeting with elements of Big Tech to train for and coordinate the quashing (elimination) of any effective communications which report or point to incidents of election fraud in this election cycle.  It is a little late for the FBI to impact the election itself; but, they can throw water on any fires started by internet reports of fraud that might occur in the election.

    The reports of FBI Agents on TDY (temp duty) in the Bay Area of California... may be evidence of the FBI and Big Tech training and coordinating preventive actions that target so-called disinformation or misinformation, regarding election and voter fraud. It appears, that the FBI and Big Tech are preparing PREEMPTIVE STRIKES to quash reports of potential election and voter fraud. The FBI is going to monitor the internet for posts made by those who report suspected instances of election fraud...  actual or suspect. The FBI's efforts appear to be aimed at damage control AFTER THE ELECTION... not before.

    Wonder, no more, why the Democrats are not holding huge rallies or campaigning aggressively... Is the fix in?  Are the Democrats focused on establishing a narrative that the Conservatives will scream 'Election Fraud' if they don't carry both Houses in the coming election... if the RED WAVE never arrives?  Are the Democrats trying to establish the notion that any claims they did not hold onto one or both Houses of Congress are illegitimate... despite reports of fraudulent activity; that any claims of voter or election fraud are the illegal distribution of misinformation and disinformation and must be POLICED... treated as Criminal Election Interference? I thought we lived in America, not some third-world backwater state.

    WAKE UP... we have lost our CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC... the FBI is operating more like the KGB and NKVD than Edgar Hoover's FBI.

    • Is the fix in?

      Yes, it is.  Hillary Clinton said as much when she announced the republicans would cheat. The democrat party always, ALWAYS,accuses their opponets of what they are doing themselves. They just can't help themselves.  It is a form of boasting. 

      John Adams was right. Our Constitution which our government was based on is "only for a moral and religious (Christian) people. It is wholly unsuitable for any other." This is why the Left hates it. They are under the influence of Satan.  For a schocking example consider this. God did not make man, both male and female, in His image.  To prove it, the Left claims there is no such thing as a restriction on gender. One can be whatever they want.  God doesn't matter. Science says He doesn't exist anyway.

      When truth becomes a matter of one's opinion then all bets are off. The ship will surely sink with no one manning the pumps. This election is important. We need good people in office who are determined to do good things and actually repair the damage done.  Not just talk about it.

    • You're correct Dale... the only problem is how does one obtain the Political Majority and Power to put GOOD PEOPLE IN OFFICE to repair the damage to our Republic and its Constitution...

      When the well of liberty is poisoned our votes matter not... Those drinking from a poisoned well soon despair and die. We must reform our electoral process.  It will take a totally different strategy than getting out the vote... to bring meaningful reform to our Government.

    • P/S

      Look for the RNC/GOP to throw the election... to take just enough new seats in Congress to be the majority in each house BUT NOT ENOUGH TO IMPEACH OR OVERRIDE A VETO... They are campaigning with the slogan Make America Great Again,  a RED WAVE is coming to DC, this election cycle.  The GOP leadership is promising to Make America Great Agailn, just give them our votes and money... and they'll do the rest... This election cycle will be different, we have a Red Wave... Yeah, some wave?

      Once all the smoke clears and the GOP/RNC are in control of both Houses of Congress it will be all rah, rah, rah for about 6 months, until the public wakes up from their stupor and finds nothing has changed. Then, it will be complaints of  DEMOCRAT GRIDLOCK and the GOP leadership will begin crying they need more seats in both Houses of Congress... and of course, more money.  These asses are selling big-time reform, in the form of a RED WAVE this election cycle. Just send your dollars to the GOP/RNC and WHEN THE RED WAVE ARRIVES IN DC, everything will be ok. Only, the wave is not going to arrive, even if the election is not FIXED... There simply are not enough Democrat Seats up for election in the US Senate this cycle to make the US Senate Veto proof.  PERIOD...

      There are only 14 Democrat Seats up for election this cycle... if the GOP carries all 14 seats and keeps all 50 seats they now hold, they will have a 64-seat majority. It takes 67 votes in the Senate to override a Presidential Veto...The GOP WILL NOT have the votes needed to pass critical legislation.  They will not be able to override a Presidential Veto or remove any official thru Impeachment... not without help from at least 3 Democrats in the US Senate.

      No bill or legislative act that Biden VETOs will become law without Democrat support... just how is the RED WAVE going to effectively legislate reform...when they are unable to override a Presidential Veto?  As for Impeachment they also have insufficient votes to convict and remove impeached members of the government. 


    • "Reforming the election process" is really not the solution to insure that it will be honest. 

      As Adams warned, honesty is achieved only by a moral and religious folk, and our form of government is dependent upon that if it is to be sustained.

      Reforming the process would be much like the prisioners designing their cells that hold them.. Who would the reformers be? A moral and religious committee formed from what? The halls of congress?

      It is vital to understand that one man (or woman) in the chief seat of government, can do a whole lot of evil to a whole lot of people in a very short time. Not even a single term. Presently, virtually all of our government institutions, including the Judicial and the Military, are in league with the Commander (Criminal) in Chief and look what he has been allowed to do.

      The people need a reformation.  The people.  Us.

      One cannot reform a thief by expecting him to design the door lock.  If we don't have enough good people in government right now to do what so obviously needs being done, then what in the hell do we expect the next stolen election to produce?

      The most important result from next Tuesday's election is that it is HONEST.  Only then can we determine what we are faced with. 

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