
  • Get ready for the Antichrist people

    • You know people have been thinking each time there's evil taking place in the world.......the Antichrist will come soon! 
      He didn't come when the Mongols devestated everything in their path all the way into Europe, nor during the many genesides that took place over history, during the time of the misbehaving Romans, the incredible famine through time, the Spanish in the Americas, etc. Why now?

    • Why now?  Why do many Christians look for Christ to return now?  Primarily, because the return of Christ is prophesied to take place only after Israel is restored as a nation, and the Third Temple is restored for His return and the millennial reign begins... 

      Christ will not return until all the Prophetic events leading up to the second coming have taken place... A significant part of those events involves Isreal becoming a Nation again. In 70 AD  Israel was defeated by Rome and the Jews were scattered in the great diaspora until this generation. It is prophesied that Christ will appear in the generation Israel becomes a Nation once more.  That unique and critical event occurred in 1948 when Israel became a Nation once more... That event started the countdown clock for the GENERATION of Christ's return ...

      In addition, the 3rd Temple must be underway before the Church is removed from the Earth in the 'rapture' aka the catching away... That event (the building of the 3rd Temple) is yet to happen and is likely to occur simultaneously with the rapture of the Christian Church.  The Church must be removed before the old sacrifices replace that of Christ's and become acceptable to God the Father once more.

      We know that there are elements in Israel with plans to rebuild the Temple at a moment's notice, those who have made the necessary instruments to sanctify the Temple are ready... It is also reported that Israel has recently located the Red Heifer whose BLOOD is needed to cleanse the Temple. They are also scanning the known Jewish population to identify the proper lineage and individual to anoint as High Priest.

      Many other minor prophecies and events needing to occur have recently taken place... paving the road for Christ's return. I hope this helps you understand why Christ has not returned yet... and why we now look for Him to return in our generation... soon.

    • Plus, there is a gathering of birds at the Dead Sea that has never been documented before, plus, the Dead Sea is coming back to life.

      COMMENTARY: Dead Sea Comes to Life!
      Didn't the Bible say something about the Dead Sea coming to life around the time we should expect Messiah?
  • The Deep State is the Civil Service, Senior Executive Service, and the political parties and their members... it is commonly referred to as the Administrative State or Establishment... It exercises power by abusing its regulatory authority to go around Constitutional authority. The Shadow Government is the ruling 'plutocracy' and its institutions that operate the Deep State from the shadows behind the scene.

    The Deep State and its administrative apparatus are often referred to as the ESTABLISHMENT...  For those interested the 'New World Order' is the international version of the Administrative State.

    • Don't forget the Public Unions. 

    • Absolutely,  government employees should not be permitted to have a union... they are the servants of the people.  Unlike common citizens, the government civil servant is employed by a soverign... and can either choose to obey the sovereign's rules and conditions of employment or find employment in another field of labor.

      Government employees are often essential elements in the function of government... Unions frequently threaten to shut down their employer's business to leverage their labor for better pay and benefits.  Such coercive force should not be permitted where essential government services are threatened with interruption.  This includes Teacher's Unions.

    • Well said. It's always bothered me that the unions are bargaining with politicians who are pandering for the votes of the union members, sounds like collusion. 

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