makes no difference where the money goes, it comes from people trying to make a living. and soon they will cease to produce because their effort is futal. russia.
The very wealthy who advocate stealing money from the American middle class to redistribute to the poor around the world would be wise to remember the French Revolution. It can happen again on a global scale.
An inclusive, sustainable, equitable, culture should start with these wealthy individuals giving up their wealth sending it to the poor in Africa, S. America, Burma, etc... to reset the world's economy. Yes, let the wealthy reset the world economy by giving up their wealth... redistributing their obviously ill-gotten and unfair wealth to the poor. Just one more lie fostered by the Socialist International and its ilk.
What is actually happening is the wealthy are waking up to the threat of the poor rioting and destroying their wealth... burning down the earth and their capital investments. However, they don't want to lose their wealth so it will take a major reset in the middle class to save the world from the underlying inequities created by their particular form of greed. They want the middle class to save their bacon by resetting their EXPECTATIONS to maintain their standard of living... as Obama said we must be ready to accept a much lower standard of living. Of course, the wealthy will continue to live without any disruption or losses to their standard of living.
The Great Reset... is this... I am keeping mine and you must give up yours so the poor will not burn down my factories and loot my banks... The wealthy are working to insulate their own power at the expense of the middle class. As the expectations of the poor are feed by mass media and the internet... the risk for revolution grows and there must be a rest too stave off the inevitable revolution breeding in the world as expectations go unfulfilled. Solution... a new economic system that is inclusive, equitable, and sustainable... as long as it doesn't destroy the wealthy and their hold on power.
Capitalist Mitchell > Ronald A. Nelson COL, USA, RetiredNovember 18, 2020 at 6:31pm
Col. Ron ... "... a new economic system that is inclusive, equitable, and sustainable ...". Open that up please ... exactly what are you opting for?
Listen to the video... the reset promises to establish a new economic system that is inclusive, equitable, and sustainable as the goal for the reset... these elitest intend on redistributing our wealth... America is being looted by world trade inequities and robbed of its wealth as we speak... Obama stated America must lower its expectations and accept a lower standard of living. I certainly am not opting for their reset... just reporting what the video stated. The economic RESET in my opinion is designed to maintain the wealthy's position at the expense of the middle class in America and Europe. We are seeing massive efforts to redistribute the wealth of our nation as part of the RESET.
Paul Simmon > Ronald A. Nelson COL, USA, RetiredNovember 20, 2020 at 5:09pm
How, from whom and to whom is the wealth redistributed?
From each according to their ability; too, each according to their need... by taxation, fees, duties, imposts, and fines, by printing currency as needed (devaluing that held by the wealthy and middle class) distributed by the state thru a system of welfare programs.
Paul Simmon > Ronald A. Nelson COL, USA, RetiredNovember 21, 2020 at 12:30pm
Right. The poor are taking all my money while the rich are suffering from high taxation. That's why I'm a staunch supporter of Trump who promised that he'll give us more tax cuts. His first tax cuts stimulated the economy big time, lessened the yoke of taxation for people like me, and also maintained fiscal responsibility that Republicans are known for. We the people need more of the same.
makes no difference where the money goes, it comes from people trying to make a living. and soon they will cease to produce because their effort is futal. russia.
The very wealthy who advocate stealing money from the American middle class to redistribute to the poor around the world would be wise to remember the French Revolution. It can happen again on a global scale.
An inclusive, sustainable, equitable, culture should start with these wealthy individuals giving up their wealth sending it to the poor in Africa, S. America, Burma, etc... to reset the world's economy. Yes, let the wealthy reset the world economy by giving up their wealth... redistributing their obviously ill-gotten and unfair wealth to the poor. Just one more lie fostered by the Socialist International and its ilk.
What is actually happening is the wealthy are waking up to the threat of the poor rioting and destroying their wealth... burning down the earth and their capital investments. However, they don't want to lose their wealth so it will take a major reset in the middle class to save the world from the underlying inequities created by their particular form of greed. They want the middle class to save their bacon by resetting their EXPECTATIONS to maintain their standard of living... as Obama said we must be ready to accept a much lower standard of living. Of course, the wealthy will continue to live without any disruption or losses to their standard of living.
The Great Reset... is this... I am keeping mine and you must give up yours so the poor will not burn down my factories and loot my banks... The wealthy are working to insulate their own power at the expense of the middle class. As the expectations of the poor are feed by mass media and the internet... the risk for revolution grows and there must be a rest too stave off the inevitable revolution breeding in the world as expectations go unfulfilled. Solution... a new economic system that is inclusive, equitable, and sustainable... as long as it doesn't destroy the wealthy and their hold on power.
Col. Ron ... "... a new economic system that is inclusive, equitable, and sustainable ...". Open that up please ... exactly what are you opting for?
Listen to the video... the reset promises to establish a new economic system that is inclusive, equitable, and sustainable as the goal for the reset... these elitest intend on redistributing our wealth... America is being looted by world trade inequities and robbed of its wealth as we speak... Obama stated America must lower its expectations and accept a lower standard of living. I certainly am not opting for their reset... just reporting what the video stated. The economic RESET in my opinion is designed to maintain the wealthy's position at the expense of the middle class in America and Europe. We are seeing massive efforts to redistribute the wealth of our nation as part of the RESET.
How, from whom and to whom is the wealth redistributed?
From each according to their ability; too, each according to their need... by taxation, fees, duties, imposts, and fines, by printing currency as needed (devaluing that held by the wealthy and middle class) distributed by the state thru a system of welfare programs.
Right. The poor are taking all my money while the rich are suffering from high taxation. That's why I'm a staunch supporter of Trump who promised that he'll give us more tax cuts. His first tax cuts stimulated the economy big time, lessened the yoke of taxation for people like me, and also maintained fiscal responsibility that Republicans are known for. We the people need more of the same.
My question? Who will launch the first volly. Think closely and choose wisely.
When you have done all to stand, then STAND! And "We the People "will!!!