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During his speech announcing his executive order on policing reforms on Tuesday, President Donald Trump criticized the Obama/Biden administration for having done nothing about the issue during its 8 long years in office. That wasn’t exactly true: Obama/Biden did take a few actions, none of which did any good. Had President said that they “did nothing effective,” he would have been 100% correct.

Trump’s comments resulted in a flurry of media reports aimed at propping up Obama’s repututation – because of course they did – with NBC, the New York Times and all the other Usual Media Suspects weighing in.

All of those stories are you classic, fake news types of reports carefully written and edited by corrupt fake journalists. They are deceptive no so much for what they do say, but for the truth they conveniently and studiously ignore.

Each and every one of the pieces focuses on the practice of the Obama-era Department of Justice to basically take over control of local police departments in high-crime cities by entering into “consent decrees” that created DOJ oversight that governs policy and police training and practices. Ultimately, the Obama DOJ entered into 12 such decrees with U.S. cities and 2 others with PDs in the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, which are U.S. territories.

Being a Republican administration that favors local control, the Trump DOJ led by Jeff Sessions and William Barr has de-emphasized the seeking of additional such decrees, although it has entered into a few of them over the last three years.

So, in 8 long years – during 2 of which they had super-majorities in both houses of the U.S. congress – thatt is the one, lone Obama/Biden accomplishment that the corrupt news media can point to in the area that is supposedly such a crucial matter to the political left today. Factually, the reporting at NBC, the Times and other corrupt media outlets is correct, as far as it goes.

But here is what none of the reports – not a single one of them – do: Give the reader a full and complete listing of the local PDs that were the subject of those 14 Obama-era consent decrees. To obtain that, I had to do my own research at the DOJ website, where I finally found the report linked here.

Here are the 14 local PDs:


New Orleans







East Haven, CT

Los Angeles County

Meridian, Mississippi

Maricopa County, AZ

Virgin Islands

Puerto Rico

Are you beginning to understand why not a single one of those corrupt media outlets wanted to provide the public with a listing of the cities, counties and territories involved? What do they all have in common with the lone exception of Marcicopa County, whose consent decree resulted from a bullying effort by the Obama DOJ to get rid of longtime Sheriff Joe Arpaio?

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