Let the Red States organize an Anti-Commandeering Caucus... its purpose to pursue peaceful means to restore LEGITIMATE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to the UNION. Have the Caucus prepare and serve a 'Writ Quo Warranto', on the US Supreme Court demanding the immediate removal of the fraudulent Administration of Joe Biden... and at the same time issue State criminal warrants for the arrest of the President and every member of his Administration, should they fail to resign per the writ.
See: Article 4, Section 2, Clause 2... State's have a right to demand individuals committing felonies within their States be surrendered to the State for trial. Election fraud and treason are state crimes. Let the several States press felony criminal charges based on the fraudulent usurpation of public office by the current Administration.
If the Red State Caucus loses on these issues it can ratchet up its protests by nullifying the commission/authority of all federal agents, operating under usurped powers, within their respective state and demand they vacate or resign their illegitimate federal authority... Cite the 9th and 10th Amendments, as a fundamental right and power of each State to refuse recognition of a fraudulent federal government. While walking thru these steps, the caucus should prepare the public for peaceful resistance to the illegal federal government. Pass State anti-commandeering legislation, designate all officers and agents of a Fraudulently installed Federal Government as persona non-grata, and deny them access to the public, using local police and judicial power to restrain them. Cite the failure of the Federal Government to provide every State of the Union with a Republican form of Government per Article 4, Section 4 of the US Constitution. A fraudulent election violates Article 4, Section 4.
The several States have the Constitutional Power to challenge the authority of fraudulently installed officers of the Union... and the right to refuse Federal programs and the institutional authority of the Corporation of the United States of America... while it operates under usurped powers obtained thru fraud... the States have the power to insist on a legitimate federal government by right of their Constitutional contract with the Union.
The Question becomes... will the States defend theirs and their citizen's right to a legitimate federal government?
You guys keep believing that the republicans are not rinos and are not on the same page with the global elites. Trump was for America as written in the Constitution the rest of them play good cop bad cop and NEVER take a real stand. Too many conservatives like librals and lefties believe their leaders believe the same thing they believe. They do not they use conservatives as useful idiots just like the demonkkkislamacommierats use their useful idiot voters and supporters. WAKE UP
The actions recommended here will do one of two things... it will expose the rotten RINO's who refuse to do everything possible to remove Biden from his usurped office or it will work and remove Biden. You have correctly identified much of the problem but we must try to overcome these roadblocks and while doing so... paint the TRAITORS in the GOP so brightly with their duplicity and betrayal that they are all primaried and run out of office.
What is your plan?
That is the one silver lining in this whole mess is that it is exposing who the RINOs and deep staters are. It has been surprising to see that some of them who I thought were constitutional conservatives in reality were not. This will make it easier to target them for removal in future elections.
Love it! Fabulous idea, as long as we gather enough patriots to throw the tea into the harbor.
quo warranto (for "by what warrant?") is a prerogative writ requiring the person to whom it is directed to show what authority they have for exercising some right, power, or franchise they claim to hold.
By the exact reading, the writ to which you refer requires serving to "the person ... " ... your writing instead seems to indicate serving on the Supreme Court.
We must be careful ... it is the ticket (Biden and Harris) we should be challenging ... we certainly don't want to only bring down Biden and thusly have Harris ascend to the presidency. Inasmuch as we all vote for the ticket ... not the individuals that comprise the ticket, could the ticket be considered a person for the purpose of the writ?
Secondly, I think we must have some grounds for the above challenge ... I can help with that. The software in the Dominion voting machines was the mechanism by which the ticket fraud was perpetrated. That said, Dominion was complicit before the fact in the fraud. If so charged, could Dominion's software source code be subpoened? I, as a computer systems engineer, could assemble an expert team to examine the software, to uncover the offending logic in that code.
Finally, I understand that Rudy Giuliani is being attacked regarding his role in defending President Trump. Success in the matters above could result in dismissal of charges against him. That said, Rudy Giuliani has a vested interest in our success per above. Do you know how to reach Rudy? Can we make a deal with him?
They're suing Rudy over what he said about those voting machines. They didn't like the accusations he made when he said they were defective. (crooked)
P/S... until the states issue indictments and arrest warrants for the primary election officials who engaged in the fraud... it is unlikely that the Courts will view the accusations of election fraud as serious or warranting their attention. What we have here is LIP SERVICE by nearly ALL the politicians. who know there was fraud but refuse to enforce the laws to hold those responsible for the fraud accountable. They want to appear outraged without upsetting their party leaders or sending thousands to prison for their part in the theft of our 2020 elections.
A nation unwilling to enforce its election laws can not have fair or well-regulated elections... Their elections will be nothing more than political theater, scripted events, arriving at predetermined ends. Don't be fooled, the Legislators in our State Assemblies are pandering to the public, feigning outrage. They are ACTORS strutting and fretting their hour upon the stage... enflamed and outraged... THEY DO NOTHING to correct the problem, or to hold those who orchestrated the fraud accountable. They apparently believe we are stupid, nearsighted, and willing to permit our elections to become the product of fraud.
Thanks for the response but we need the several Red States to engage in this matter... 1) Each State must pass a legislative referendum declaring the Election of 2020 a 'Fraudulent Election', revoking any electoral votes assigned to the Biden/Harris ticker as the product of fraud. 2) Each State also needs to serve a Writ of quo warranto on the President, Vice President, and SCOTUS, with a motion requesting the SCOTUS to enjoin the USURPERS from occupying their offices. SCOTUS must be the agent of enforcement... the court of jurisdiction for executing the Writ.
I believe the SCOTUS would be required to enforce the Writ... to issue the order to VACATE their Offices or prove their right to remain in office. Sufficient proof of election fraud needs to be provided in the briefs and exhibits supporting the warrant.
Colonel Nelson, I think you should run for public office like, the US Senate or House.
Agreed! He needs to run for office or head the upcoming revolution, which ever comes first!