
As the destructive and deadly riots over the horrific police killing of George Floyd draw to a close, Black Lives Matter groups have demanded that cities “defund the police” and many cities have taken up the call, including the Minneapolis City Council and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti. But what would actually happen if cities defunded the police? Do activists expect the police to simply “go away?” Do they think defunding law enforcement will make the cops and their alleged racism simply vanish?

Reason‘s Scott Shackford, who supports decreasing police department funding, urges caution in the way cities should go about it.

As it turns out, an effort to defund the police can backfire and harm the very people Black Lives Matter wants to help.

Where will the police get the money?

If cities defund the police, that won’t necessarily abolish the departments. In fact, the remaining police departments may suddenly have an added incentive to crack down on ordinary citizens.

As Shackford notes, “If you don’t account for revenue from fines, fees, and forfeiture, this can all backfire against the poor.”

Police departments across the country are partially funded by fees and fines that suspects pay when they are arrested for a crime. Some police departments are even able to keep some or all of the money or property they seize from suspects during an arrest. Under civil asset forfeiture, police seize people’s money, homes, and vehicles through court proceedings by simply accusing the owners of having earned the money or purchased the property through illegal means.

Police can do this even without a court conviction.

During the 2009 recession, revenue collection in cities across America dropped, and police responded by increasing the use of civil asset forfeiture to maintain their budgets. As Shackford noted, “The targets of asset forfeiture are frequently low-income minorities and immigrants who lack the resources to fight back.”

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  • It is obvious what would happen pure chaos.  With no law enforcement God only knows that must be why gun sales have spiked.  This would be like the old west.  No help from any law enforcement would be a disaster and they do not care.  Ms. Bender of MN i believe said police going to your home if it is being broken into is privilege........................................yep thats her reply and many left wing nuts believe that drivel.  

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