China, Russia and Iran are the top three existential “threats” to the U.S., according to the National Security Strategy. Three features distinguish the top three. They are all sovereign powers. They are under varying degrees of sanctions. And they are the top three nodes of the 21st century’s most important, evolving geopolitical process: Eurasia integration.
What do the three sovereigns see when they examine the dystopia that took over Exceptionalistan?
They see, once again, three – discombobulated – nodes in conflict: the post-historic Pacific and Atlantic coasts; the South – a sort of expanded Dixieland; and the Midwest – what would be the American heartland.
The hyper-modern Pacific-Atlantic nodes congregate high-tech and finance, profit from Pentagon techno-breakthroughs and benefit from the “America rules the waves” ethos that guarantees the global primacy of the U.S. dollar.
The rest of America is largely considered by the Pacific-Atlantic as just a collection of flyover states: the South – which regards itself as the real, authentic America; and the Midwest, largely disciplined and quite practical-minded, squeezed ideologically between the littoral powerhouses and the South.
Superstructure, tough, is key: no matter what happens, whatever the fractures, this remains an Empire, where only a tiny elite, a de facto plutocratic oligarchy, rules.
It would be too schematic, even though essentially correct, to assert that in the presidential election, invisible campaigner Joe Biden represented the Pacific-Atlantic nodes, and Trump represented the whole South. Assuming the election was not fraudulent – and that remains a big “if” – the Midwest eventually swung based on three issues.
- Trump, as much as he relied on a sanctions juggernaut, could not bring back manufacturing jobs home.
- He could not reduce the military footprint across the Greater Middle East.
- And, before Covid-19, he could not bring down immigration.
Everything that lies ahead points to the irreconcilable – pitting the absolute majority that voted Dem in the Atlantic-Pacific nodes versus the South and a deeply divided Midwest. As much as Biden-Harris is bound to isolate the South even more, their prospects of “pacifying” the Midwest are less than zero.
Whose ground control?
Beyond the raucous altercations on whether the presidential election was fraudulent, these are the key factual points.
- A series of rules in mostly swing states were changed, through courts, bypassing state legislatures, without transparence, before the election, paving the way to facilitate fraud schemes.
- Biden was de facto coronated by AP, Google and Twitter even before the final, official result, and weeks before the electoral college vote this past Monday.
- Every serious, professional audit to determine whether all received and tabulated votes were valid was de facto squashed.
In any Global South latitude where the empire did “interfere” in local elections, color revolution-style, this set of facts would be regarded by scores of imperial officials, in a relentless propaganda blitz, as evidence of a coup.
On the recent Supreme Court ruling, a Deep State intel source told me, “the Supreme Court did not like to see half the country rioting against them, and preferred the decision be made by each state in the House of Representatives. That is the only way to handle this without jeopardizing the union. Even prominent Democrats I know realize that the fix took place. The error was to steal too many votes. This grand theft indicts the whole system, that has always been corrupt.”
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We The People Are For President Trump And Are The Biggest Voting Block In The Country!
Sure I do! We will likely need to show why to ceratin others.
President Trump can still win the Congressional certification on January 6th...interesting options there and the (D)s challenged 11 times in January 2017. But to keep everything pro-Trump including the Congressional RINOs...on January 2nd, after the festivities are over, declassify every single document related to (D) election fraud, from every state. Every document showing illegal activity from (D)s that AG Barr did not move on. The crooked Hillary Clinton dossier, no redactions Show Everything! The left likes to shame people...we'll give them the facts. Speaking of giving them something, I saw a post here about Turkey having outstanding warrants against 17 Americans. President Trump should turn them over to Turkey. I'm sure Senator Shumer will be able to wrap up the coup charges in time to come back and certify the election. Every scandle fully declassified and released unredacted. If it isn't done on January 2, it will be destroyed should Trump not prevail. By fully transparent disclosure, this will give President Trump the best opportunity to overcome Congressional RINOs and get four more years. The documents will be destroyed under a Biden/Harris administration anyway. Get them out on January 2nd Mr. President. Don't forget AOC's $2m accounting error in her favor or the squad's ballot havesting. Now should the unlikely happen on January 6th, prossecute every last lawbreaker immediately. Fully public processecutions. These suggestions can begin immedately: Arrest the election captains that allowed 2.5 million mail-in allots be illegally counted in PA with only 1.8 million mail-ins sent out. Georgia Governor and Sec of really certified an election with less than a 13,000 vote margin of victory when 60,000 votes were case by people verified as too young to vote? Put those traitors in prison where they belong. Same treatment in MI, WI, AZ where the poll workers gave (R)s sharpies, NV with some voting 19 times each. Quick and dirty, expedited cases. Goes like this...3 miutes of teastimony Elction captain XYZ counted 2.5 million ballots for 1.8 million mailed out...enter the certified documentaton into the record. Where did the 700,000 ballots come from Election Captain? Your witness. No questions. Presecution rests, we move for a summary judgement. 100 years in prison. Next case. Ballot counter, you covered the windows preventing certification of ballots by (R) & (D) in defiance of election law. Enter the video ahowing the windows being covered...the videos of (D) poll workers harrassing and destracting observers (hey, get behind the tape, you can't have your knee over the tape move back. Presecution rests. Another guilty verdict and they're off to prison. This can be started today Mr. President, but save the release of declassfied documents until January 2nd so they don't get lost in the holiday fun. And before the firing squad lead by Kamala, my slave owning plantation grandmother was a big influence on me, Harris says fire! I will stand proud, no blindfold and shout loudly "I DIE FREE!" As for Fredo Cuomo's brother, he should be turned over to the Hague for crimes against humanity for placing all those Covid-19 cases in old folks homes, welding shut Jewish playgrounds and sending the police into Jewish homes demanding they dispurse. ENOUGH!
I will say I admire this mans enthiusiasm!
I'm game!
Now for the rest of the country.......
I confess that fixations on strategic convolutions offer little pragmatic utility for me.
If propaganda could project a winning force, Joseph Goebbels would have won the German National Socialist regime struggles.
This stuff may provide insights however, into how this stage of the NWO programme of imposed total human slavery and eventual genocide is playing out.
Not only am I a deplorable, I am also a BITTER CLINGER PROUDLY.
Clinton started calling us deplorables, I call her and the democraps Dispicables. The leftwing has become too powerful, their coruption and control of the media have brought this country to the brink of a socialist/communist take over. I do not see any peaceful way to stop the Enemies within, they have infiltrated every level of government, every business, and the military. I am with Trump the USA will not become a socialist country.
The Fraud And Steal Are Real! Biden Lost And Trump Won! Simple As That!