When in the course of nations men are compelled to resist the odious and prevalent corruption of there fellow man… they most often resort to violence… the final arbiter of their differences.
Today, we see massive abuses of power being forced upon the common man. The world is in the grip of an elite and perverted oligarchy of power, entrenched in a political system that offers little recourse. Choice in the democratic process is overtly controlled and the general electorate are forced to choose between the lesser of evils… few of the candidates are acceptable to the populace. The People have no real choice.
It is the common nature of men to suffer long the abuses of others, before throwing off their oppressors… Mankind desires to live in peace as much as possible. It is man’s nature that has led us to where we are today: to the portal of a New World Order, where men no longer enjoy the promise of liberty or the American Dream. After a long period of suffering the abuse of those who they entrusted with their liberty, the people are awakening to the crack of the tyrant's whip. The doors of democracy and self-determination are being closed and the people are reacting. What awaits them, should they fail to act, is the sound of the slave masters whip.
The people currently operate at the outer margins of political power: What have they accomplished, what rights have been restored, what abuses reversed, what political power do they now command? The facts expose the people’s power to be a mere illusion. Since the beginning of their reform movement, those they send to Washington have engaged the enemies of their liberty with little success or sincerity. The Swamp in DC continues to grow as the deep state metastasizes.
Facts, not the opium of delusion... must be the standard by which success is measured. The Conservative movement is seriously fractured, working only at the margins of political power. Frequently, the few leaders the people have elected end up betraying them… There is no unified NATIONAL MOVEMENT… no singularity of leadership or a clear National organization to rally behind. The Tea Party could be of massive importance if it would UNIFY under a single banner: Not as a National Political Party, but as a coalition of Conservatives, who are free to operate within BOTH MAJOR POLITICAL PARTIES; in their effort to bringing real Constitutional REFORM to government.
However, the sad truth is that the unrecognized efforts of the conservative... do little to raise the Army needed to turn this country around. Very few people are informed or able to respond to our call for resistance in the public squares of America. Unlike the leftist, the conservative finds it difficult to muster the silent majority. It is time to put aside our differences and to unite under a single banner… E Pluribus Unum… out of many one. Our strength is not in our diversity but in our combined power to produce the NUMBERS needed to gain control of Congress and to RETAIN THE Executive Branch of our government… too, purge the courts of corrupt judges and the American Bar Association of those who refuse to honor the Constitution as originally intended...
America faces its greatest challenge to date… will it find the resolve, leadership, and unity among its people to meet this challenge or will it go the way of former great Nations… too, join the list of failed attempts to establish a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Time will tell but history and past results do not bode well for their efforts. The 2020 election cycle is rapidly becoming one more disappointing effort to break the hold the oligarchy of globalists and socialists, have on our government… These despots are determined to retain their power by any means necessary and the conservative movement appears to be having little impact on the corruption that infests our political process.
God alone is able to restore our nation… but America has banned Him from the public square and denied Him access to our government. MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN… the handwriting is on the wall… Thus, God has numbered America’s days, she has been weighed, judged, and found wanting, the nation is divided and shall be given over to others… the end is upon America as we knew her unless she immediately repents and returns unto God.
Our only hope is that our Nation will return to her Creator… It is the Creator that is the ultimate guarantor of our life, liberty, and happiness. If America shall humble herself, pray and seek God’s face, and turn from her wicked ways; then, God would hear from heaven, forgive her sin, and heal her land. Our Nation's problems are a direct result of its moral decadence… Our abandonment of the God of our fathers. Political Parties and governments are but the mere reflection of the souls they govern. What does the world see today, when it looks upon Ameria's Government and Political Parties? Is it a vision of individual liberty and justice for all, or the dying embers of a once-great nation?
Amen, Col. It is the church who must repent, not the enemies, it is the church who stood by and let God and morality be thrown out with bathwater.
If this doesn't bring you to your senses I don't know what will.When I say " Your", I mean all of us.If we as a nation refuse to bring God back in our Republic, it's just a matter of time,there will be no Republic of the United States Of ,America as it surely will be gone. God help us all.
Like the men at Atilis gym in NJ they are fighting the gov. Murphy is determined to end them and he is not. This has to be us b/c if it is not God help us then.
Let every man fight the good fight of FAITH... and let God be true and the despots of this world exposed as liars and tyrants. Let the people return to God, that God may heal our lands. The hour is late, the sun is setting upon our Nation... let us embrace the Son as a Nation while He may yet be found.
You sir could not have said it better. Thank you so much.