25+ Best Liberals Are Stupid Memes | Private Server Memes, Advertisement  Memes, Sweep Memes

The illogical leftist mind contradicts its own ideas without a care for their destructive nature.  On the one hand, the greenies want everyone to eat a plant-based diet because meat and milk from animals are evil.  On the other hand, they want to eliminate commercial fertilizers and return completely to "organic" agriculture.  See any problems with these two disparate goals?

Fertilizer shortages are making news these days, and not just here in the USA.  Of course, the shortage is being blamed on our catch-all, ubiquitous "supply chain" issues and Putin, especially since many of these products are made of components from overseas.

The U.S. is the second or third top importer for each of the three major components of fertilizer. Top producers of the major components of fertilizer include China, Russia, Canada and Morocco, with Belarus also providing a significant share of potash.

Samantha Power says she's happy about it, as she told George Stephanopoulos, because the shortage will help us move toward "natural" agriculture.

In Sri Lanka, in April, the national government decreed that the country would return to 100% organic agriculture.  It banned fertilizer imports, but then reality set in.  Sri Lanka has now partially rescinded its decree because dire results were predicted — a 43% diminution in crop yields.  Sri Lanka's economy is agrarian, reliant on producing staple food crops like rice and maize to feed its population.  It had to pivot because human needs bumped up hard against fervent idealism.

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