When Leadership Fails...

The RNC/GOP caucus and its leaders' conduct is subject to the party members and their oaths of office... keeping the PLANKS of the Party is a duty, not an option...

When a leader in the GOP fails in their duty... it is IMPORTANT that the membership discipline that individual ... or REMOVE, the dissident from the Party.  It does not serve the general membership to keep rouge and independent leaders in the party.

This lack of discipline in the party is the failure of Party membership ... NOT the party's failure to mass a majority in Congress.  I would note the rules of Congress and the Party are subject to the power brokers in the party caucuses.  It is therefore incumbent upon the membership to routinely exercise its duty to discipline its members... beginning with its leadership.

When a legislative issue becomes the captive of a minority due to parliamentary rules, it is time to change the rules, leadership, or both... bulldozing a way forward is necessary... something the GOP fails to understand... or, not? When the minority is leadership it is time to change leaders.  The bulldozing required is essential to the process of governing, as the collapse of government is often the result of the arbitrary administration of a few rouge members... and leadership... that need bulldozing.

The party is playing us for fools... they keep a few members around to become the focus for their failure to maintain our party's core principles and values (The Party Planks).  When, In fact, they are all partially responsible, with leadership leading the debacle. 

When a manufacturer has an employee who continually fails... to meet his responsibility for production... they don't reward that employee with promotions, pay raises, and additional auhtority... They DISCHARGE THEM.... and it usually is done on the second or third breach in policy... not after decades of bad conduct.

The current leadership in GOP/RNC is at the center of our party's problems... they are not stupid and the party's failure to discipline its rouge members is not accidental nor the fruit of misplaced tolerance... it is habitual and purposeful... serving the underlying goals of leadership... While misdirecting the responsibility for the failure to scapegoats... Sadly, such failures are often the fruit of planned outcomes and hidden agendas... subversive conduct.

We need to REMOVE THE BAD LEADERSHIP and begin again... 

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  • And the sound of silence echoes in sthe halls of government... signifying the empty hearts and way word souls found therein.

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