Where Is Joe’s SCOTUS List?

Creepy Joe Biden Releases His List of SCOTUS Picks - The Donald - America  First

Look, if this election is a referendum on the direction of the Supreme Court, doesn’t Grandpa Badfinger owe us a list of the people that his puppet masters might appoint given the chance? He says he won’t because reasons and because. What’s he hiding?

Oh, right. He’s hiding the fact that his string-pullers would nominate some arch-commie who would treat your First and Second Amendment rights like the nominal nominee treated his staffers when he thought no one was looking.

Of course, any such list would not be scribbled down by Bad Touch Biden himself. He’s an unsteady conduit, the terminal soup can for the feverish leftist dreams of the folks talking into the tin cylinder at the other end of the string. The only list Oldfinger could put together himself would read:

Oatmeal Ensure Gruel Depends Mush

And it would include a drawing of a happy face.

But we have a right to know what the wizards whose spells animate him have up their sleeves. As instructed, Gropey Joe promised that he would appoint a black woman to the Court. Well, who? It’s already pretty lame to pick someone based on where her great-great-great-grandfather came from, but isn’t it super condescending and… racist…to assume that her race is all that matters? He’s really saying, “Relax. Black women judges are fungible. It doesn’t matter who she is, only what she is.”

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