Where is President Trump and why has he been so silent?

Watch Donald Trump Take Down WWE's Vince McMahon Back in 2007 - YouTube

by SamAdams76

I would like to address the elephant in the room.

Other than a brief appearance at the Wall in Texas last week, in which President Trump delivered a cursory speech, he has been virtually absent from the public scene.

It was almost two weeks ago that a fiery and defiant Trump gave a speech at the White House Ellipse (that I was there to see) in which he stated unequivocally that he won the Nov 3 election and was never giving up or conceding. He then ended the speech with a long list of examples of blatant election fraud in the contested states that rightfully should have gone to him.

Trump then told us to march to the Capitol (peacefully) and to let our voices be heard. You know the rest of the story.

Since then, we have heard practically nothing from President Trump. Yes, there were a couple of videos he put out condemning the violence at the Capitol (that he had to know was instigated by bad actors of the Left and not by his own supporters) and the one appearance at the Wall in Texas.

Since then, absolutely nothing from Trump. I know he has been cut off from Twitter, but come on, he still has the ability to reach the people in minutes as anything he posts on any social media platform (or posted through a surrogate) will instantly be propagated to tens of millions of people.

Tomorrow will be the last full day of President Trump's first term. By noon of the next day, the usurper Joe Biden, who had this election blatantly stolen for him, will be sworn in.

Is this the way Trump's first term will end? With a whimper? Will he board Marine One early Wednesday morning and head to Mar-A-Lago with nary a word to the American people?

I, for one, cannot believe that this is the way it will end. Surely we will hear from our President within the next 36 hours. I'm counting on it.


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  • Dear Friends, I'm so glad we have this platform, hopefully, Big Tech won't do anything to it. 

    Maybe D. Trump is fed up. He gave all he's got for 4 years, didn't cash in any compensation (he did it for free), he had everything and everyone against him (except his supporters and a few TV hosts on Fox News, OAN, America's Voice, etc..). Big Media, Democrats, and the Establishment have been threatening him, his assets and his name all along. And now what? We all know there were dumps of fake ballots, no signature checked. When I registered to vote, no one checked my citizenship (I know for sure that Dems in many registration offices look the other way when someone with a foreign name registers, they don't check if you're an American citizen or not). This election is a joke and big media refuses to talk about all this. Trump is a fighter, he'll try to fight back, but is it worth it if on top of that, the GOP rhinos threaten him too? The GOP is partly responsible for all this, they don't fight on the field, they don't mail anyone, they don't answer the phone, even people around Trump won't reply to a mail, they don't advertise on TV where they should (we should air ads about us, our values, programs/policy, people all across the TV landscape, including on networks we don't like because women and millennials are the very PEOPLE we should educate about Republicans/Trump/Conservatives). Biden and Harris will destroy what Trump did because they're greedy and they are sold to the Global Elite, they don't want a strong America but they want American taxpayers to pay for many things including foreign interests.

    • To work for us, he lost 1 billion dollars and originally, he was asked many times to run by Ophra Windfry for 20 years. Notice nobody is going after her, she has lots of money and a base. But she remains somewhat stratigically silent when needed. 




      Where is President Trump and why has he been so silent?
      by SamAdams76 I would like to address the elephant in the room. Other than a brief appearance at the Wall in Texas last week, in which President Trum…
  • The old Republican Party is dead time to send republicans who put our country first.Time to send all the rinos out of Congress.Time for us to fight and not fear the fake president 

    • we need to deal with big donors that place liberals in Republican seats, and as We should look into, back Tulsi gabbard when possible whos fair minded and a democrat, she would have won this election id the democrats didn't push her out. She has true unity and safty in mind. none of the party of hate now openly putting (the majority) kids in Fema camps.... dangerous, yes, ask the jews of 1933 and these snipits became real.


    • Bingo, dead on..... this tea party has a good follwing we all think alike, not like a social media where disruptors show up.  We need to grow it at least 10 fold and people are hungry. We donate here, a lot, We then have power, we decide how to grow donations and where it best spent wisely. Seems who is in there now is pretty much vetted, lets make them comfortable with our support and then good judgment is all that is left.


    • not gonna happen, the gop is owned by soros!!!!!

    • way false. read militia law and how we can actually within a year is possible, the people are  the government, its our very appearence stratigically that is the party of the masses, one more does not control us, meaning we tea partiers know that.



  • Surely we will here from him!

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