Where is the bark of liberty's cannon... gone the muzzle flash from the field of honor, and silent the patriot's breath... Low, now comes the thief to take what little is left of liberties armory... too, bankrupt our soul... too, sell us all... to our enemies kep.  Who hath done this dirty deed... Woe, unto the man who betrays his house... for the lucre of mammon, the poison of personal wealth.  For judgment comes in the morning... upon the wings of an Eagle... it comes.

Out of the East rises an ill wind... and a dark omen.  Death rides a dark horse and the minions of Hell prepare to greet the new day with the sun's fury and fire.  Gone the days of leisure, gone the citadels of freedom... Gone the ring of liberty's Bell.  The House of Man breached once more  ... now comes judgment with the sound of a trump and the crises of the wicked speak to our ear,  they seek refuge, to hide from the Arm of the Lord.

Who will stand ... let him stand with the Lord... Who will hear, let him hear ... the sound of our enemies, as they strike out in blind fear at the coming of our Lord.  Prepare ye the way of the Lord... make straight the path of the righteous, and look up for God comes... He comes for His own in clouds of glory... He comes.  In a time and season, we think not, suddenly He shall appear... with the sound of a trumpet and the voice of an Archangel He shall pierce th Eastern skies, with clouds of glory, to catch away His Bride.

Who will stand on that day...

RA  Nelson

COL., US ARMY (ret.) 

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  • Colonel Sir, Every vetran who took the oath, and stands firm in their belief that the only expiration date is their demise, are the ones. We will stand firm and steadfast until the last of our strength runs out, and will to honor that oath.

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