Where is the FBI... they should have infiltrated ANTIFA and BLM long ago? The FBI should know where these groups obtain their funding, who constitutes the power behind them, and the location of most of their members.  They should be able to pull up a list of these groups' key leaders and many of their active members.  Where is AG Barr on this issue?  Why hasn't AG Barr called in FBI Director Wray and instructed him to detain and arrest the powers funding these domestic terrorists... And, to cease their assets under the RICO Act, as they book them on a one-way trip to GITMO; pending trial for acts of Domestic Terrorism and other related federal crimes.  Below is a list of some of the acts that codify potential federal crimes as domestic terrorism.

Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001 
MATA (Mobilization Against Terrorism Act) 
Mobilization Against Terrorism Act (MATA) 
PATRIOT Bill (aka Patriot Act)

A recent IG report criticized the FBI's failure to monitor domestic terrorism... it sited concerns for free speech and civil rights as hampering enforcement.  The Justice Department's inspector general (Horowitz) found "lapses" in the FBI's assessment of potential domestic terrorist threats and stated the bureau "has not taken sufficient action" to fix these weaknesses, according to a report  released in March of this year. In other words, the FBI has not been monitoring Obama's favorite charities... the radical Marxist and Islamic terrorist groups as would be prudent. The report cites policy concerns over civil rights as interfering with intelligence gathering and the identification of potential crimes... MY ASS... The FBI has the authority to monitor these groups, it just isn't using that authority, when it comes to monitoring Marxist and Islamic 'domestic terrorist' activities.

See: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/03/04/doj-watchdog-fbi-has-lapses-identifying-domestic-terrorists/4951425002/

ANTIFA, BLM, and a host of other radical left-wing domestic terrorist groups are more or less... operating without the full oversight of the FBI. I wonder why?  Mr. President, where are you on this serious issue?  Why have you permitted this to occur on your watch?  AG Barr are you blind... or maybe complicit?  The FBI... you know those guys, down the street, the ones with badges and guns... the one's you are in charge of are not doing their jobs to protect US Citizens from Domestic Terrorism and a whole lot more... Why not? And, what are you going to do about it?

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  • Here is a link to the Horowitz DOJ IG report cited above... there is also an embedded link in the body above: https://oig.justice.gov/reports/2020/a20030.pdf

    • This disease of the mind called 'Political Correctness' is not confined to the FBI, the DOJ, Congress, The Supreme Court, or The Oval Office of the Presidency, but has invaded virtually all of our societal institutions as well.  The government victimized by this real pandemic is but a symptom of the lack of character, morality, and right values being destroyed on a daily basis in the people of the United States.

      The news media not only influences, but actually persuades people to think and behave contrary to the principles on which the Nation was founded.  This has resulted in the Constitution being used against the people and our government.  Rather than protecting us from a government that is unrestricted, law enforcement has been handcuffed into allowing the terrorists among us to have a field day in unrestricted lawlessness.

      People like the Mayor of NY, and other elected Mayors and Councils across the United States, are put into office and authority by the diseased minds of the people who support them. Academia indoctrinates and feeds the propaganda to ignorant students thinking that they have been enlightened.

      The Swamp is not confined to Washington DC. It is all over America, in each State, each County, each city, town and local government. Some States are drowning in it, such as California and NY, and others as well.  Hell yawns for America, and it shows.

      Unless, and until, people like Clinton, Obama, Soros, Comey, and company are brought to justice and truly held accountable for their crimes against the nation and the people, then matters can only worsen.  Tumors must be cut out.  Healing cannot begin until they are.  Examples must be set.

      Trump must be helped.  Big time.

    • I could not agree more but WE must do our part.  Trump is one man and thank God he is pres and has to be re-elected, however, on the levels we can change things it is past time. Elections have consequences.  WE HAVE TO GET RID of all DEMS AND RINOS ASAP.  The governors and mayors of blue states are tyrannical lunatics who aim to use the Covid nonsense to make us socialsit.  THAT CANNOT HAPPEN.  They are no more than elected officials and the lockdowns have to end now. 

    • Trump may be one man... but it all starts with him... he must act to organize and mobilize the PEOPLE and those in government that remain loyal to the American way... Until the President takes the Bull by the Horns and wrestles it to the ground the people will simply languish in their stooper waiting for a leader.  Dale... the People are powerless without leadership and resources... the President has both... that is why I write as I do... maybe he will finally understand that the GOP will only go so far and then stop... the rest is up to him  He has to motivate and convince the proper powers behind our institutions to take on the Marxist and too do it now... as the options are not good and the outcome doubtful if he fails to meet the crisis with the full force of his Office.

    • P/S the people have never organized themselves... they need leadership.  Leaders with the resources to make things happen.  Pres. Trump is that leader if he will act the people will follow.

    • The problem, as I see it, is that Trump cannot do it alone. He needs help.  He has hired and fired in the attempt to set things right as he promised to do. Yet even so, he must rely on others to do their jobs as effectively as he has done his own, and under the most difficult circumstances imaginable.

      AG Barr may prove to be, hopefully, an effective ally in the effort to restore justice to an otherwise gutless and neutered DOJ. If well known criminals of the highest order in government are not held to account, then there has been, and will never be, and effictive effort of swamp draining.

      I put myself in Trump's shoes, and then wonder how I could do anything differently than what he is doing.  Who is there, waiting in the wings, that I could hire and get Senate approval, to replace Barr if, and I say IF, needed?  We need real Americans.  We don't need more politicians.  And we damn sure don't need democrats.  Republicans are bad enough.


    • Dale..

      The President can fire every US Attorney and Barr tomorrow... and at the same time nominate replacements who are permitted by law to remain as Temporary AG and US Attorneys for 150 days... and then can be withdrawn and resubmitted for another 150 days... of temp service before being removed.  He can do this with any appointed office... Hence, it is up to him to either motivate the current staff or replace them if they are not up to the task... I'd say AG Barr is definitely not up to the task.. not one major indictment in nearly 17 months... enough is enough... fire him MR. President and appoint Rudy and don't worry about his confirmation process... if Rudy won't take the job ask Judge Janean Pirro, of Fox News, to take it.

    • AG Barr might as well have stayed home... if the measure of his success is the numbers of high profile arrests and prosecutions are any judge of his effectiveness... tattoo AG on the forehead of a manikin and you would get the same results... maybe better. 

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