
  • Did the House subpeana him and if not WHY NOT... Remove the Speaker for dereliction of duty, among a long list of lies and misrepresentations...

    Get rid of the Chairman of the oversight committee... he is unfit to represent his constituents... With a long history of disdain and contempt for Congress, Hunter Biden should have been subpoenaed.

    If Hunter refuses to appear and a subpeana has been ignored... arrest him immidiately and have him held in the Houses jail untl he testifies ... No bail as he is a flight risk.  Use the House's jail...and constitutional authority to administer the government and justice in the District... Keep Hunter locked up under the House's Constitutional power to administer the District's government.  Any home rule law or federal regulation is subordinate to Congress's constitutional power to administer the Government in the District..

    • P/S


      Speaker Nancy Pelosi resurfaced one of the Capitol’s most enduring mysteries when answering a question about whether Democrats might imprison Trump administration officials who defy Congress: the House jail. But where is this mysterious cell?

      “We do have a little jail down in the basement of the Capitol, but if we were arresting all of the people in the administration, we would have an overcrowded jail situation. And I’m not for that,” Pelosi said Wednesday at a Washington Post live event."

      SEE:  Just where is this secret House jail located? - Roll Call

    • MORE ON THE HOUSE JAIL and the House's power to lock people up on its own orders...:

      “Inherent contempt” is a long-dormant power that allows Congress to rely on its own constitutional authority to detain and imprison “contemners” until they comply with a congressional demand.

      "Pelosi appeared to rule out using Congress’ inherent contempt power to detain administration officials who don’t comply with congressional oversight requests".

      It is time Speaker Johnson used his powers and locked up Hunter... and a long list of others spurning Congress...including LYING TO CONGRESS... a form of contempt.

      Can Congress Jail Witnesses Who Refuse to Cooperate? | TIME

      Does anyone in Congress understand their powers to compel testimony? Use them ... or risk losing them by default.

      Can Congress Jail Witnesses Who Refuse to Cooperate?
      The little-known history of the Capitol jail.
  • Cry Baby cry I want a public hearing. Well you get one and you run out of calories. You little  Coward. Be a Man. Crack Head!!

  • Here he is $$$$$$$$$HUNTER$$$$$$$$$$

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