Image tagged in drain the swamp,democrats,maxine waters ...

***Continuing where we left off from the previous article. If you're just now joining, you should read this one first. ——-> My family is behind most of the ‘fake liberal news’ you see on Facebook.

Aaron Black (Team Pelosi) grew several Facebook pages himself outside of this vast network in trying to promote Pelosi and the DNC. The most prominent one that comes to mind is called Americans Against Trump. To my knowledge, there was no labeling on the page at the time telling people who he was affiliated with or doing work for. The same applies to all the other Facebook pages mentioned in the previous article. Are you listening, Facebook?

Aaron worked hand in hand with activist Ryan Clayton in running the page, along with Justin Brotman, whom Aaron also considered a partner.

What's interesting is, Mr. Black, while being in the employ of Nancy Pelosi, didn't see any issue with having Clayton as a close business partner while he was on Capitol Hill disturbing former Vice President Biden and the entire Congress or doing a number of other political stunts. Some of these were already mentioned in the previous article but for a full list, go HERE.

Take a look for yourself. It was on C-Span.

You can first start hearing Clayton yelling at Biden at the 2:28 mark in the video. This was an attempt to disrupt President-elect Trump’s electoral votes from being officially confirmed.

Aaron helped promote social media outreach on a number of these stunts while handling Pelosi’s affairs.

Aaron deleted his previous Facebook account at some point recently, most likely out of fear that these endeavors were too risky politically with all of the attention Facebook has been receiving in the news. His name no longer shows up under one of his old profiles. I know of two of his but he's probably had more. It's now merely listed as "Facebook User" in the logs that Facebook keeps track of. Whenever you delete your account, your chat messages will be stored like this.

***If you didn't know Facebook kept all your conversations you've had with people in a downloadable file, even if you decided you want to get rid of the account, well now you do.***

To Aaron's credit, he has been trying to stay away from 'fake news' articles as of late, but that didn't stop him from building followers using the worst anti-Trump memes I can think of. Even I wouldn't agree to share all of them for fear they would get me flagged and/or banned for their graphic nature.

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    • yes, we are and it will only get worse with the devildemocommiecrats having total control of the government.  We  the People are facing a tyranny that will rival Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany, and Communist China.  The only question is how long it will take them to go full Hitler on us!!!!!!!!!!

    • that's the fact


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