Joe Biden Memes

The White House has so far dismissed a Senate inquiry into President Joe Biden’s use of private email while he was vice president.

In July, Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin penned a letter to White House Counsel Dana Ann Remus, demanding information on what steps Biden and the administration took to ensure the then-vice president’s records satisfied archival requirements under federal law. According to the New York Post, Vice President Biden had been using private email addresses to correspond with his son Hunter, and on at least one occasion spoke of a meeting with the president of Ukraine where Hunter conducted overseas business.

“If these reports are accurate, it is unclear whether then-Vice President Biden forwarded these and related emails to a government account to ensure that they satisfied federal record-keeping and archival requirements,” the senators wrote. “Further, it is unclear whether now-President Biden has continued the use of non-government email for official business and whether he has continued to provide government information to his family members, including Hunter Biden.”

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