
Sources in the Trump administration confirmed to National File that President Donald Trump’s most vocal advocates within the White House have determined that both U.S. Code and the Constitution contain language that requires Vice President Mike Pence to reject unlawful Electoral College certificates, but Pence must act by no later than Wednesday, December 23. The drafters of this White House memo believe that the federal check to the states’ elections resides with Vice President Mike Pence in his role as President of the Senate. Additionally, Pence has the sole power determine whether to reject impermissible states of electors. However, Pence is legally required to do this on the fourth Wednesday in December, which this year falls on December 23.

National File’s sources in the White House indicated that the memo was requested by those in the President’s circle who are most keen to see the 2020 election, and the ensuing fallout, administered in as transparent of a manner as possible. They also indicate that the push to find a path to verify the 2020 election’s integrity is not coming solely from the White House, but also comes from across numerous agencies in the administration.

The emergence of the memo could mark a decided shift in roles for Pence, our sources explain. Since the days immediately following the election, Pence has remained relatively silent compared to President Trump and his legal team.

The revelation that Pence alone can reject allegedly fraudulent Electoral College certificates shifts the spotlight from President Trump and Congressional leaders significantly by putting President Trump’s electoral destiny squarely on Pence’s shoulders.

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  • But is Pence resolved. The performance of the Senate President will tell all.

  • Do you have all the 2nd Amendment supplies?

  • Let's hope VP Pence is notifying ALL those States in which significant Election and Voter Fraud took place that their electors will not be received as valid... and that he does it in writing and thru a VERBAL ADDRESS TO THE NATION... We don't want the MSM claiming that notice was not given.  And yes, the Constitution clearly gives VP Pence the power to reject what he determines to be fraudulent or unlawful lists of Electors from any State... or all States.

    Sen. McConnell and the RINO'S had better get on board... or they can expect millions of people, assembled in DC and all across this nation, will be demanding their resignation or they may take other more stringent actions to bring their treason and complicity with the illegal Coup before the bar of justice.  Justice must be served and what better way than a public trial for their treason. What could be a more appropriate end to these traitors than their public arrest, trial, and execution for treason?  They must make no mistake... their support for the fraudulent election gave aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States.

    • I agree and pray that this will happen.

    • Agreed. How can they really believe that they can get away with this?

    • Marxist believe if they create a lie big enough and tell it long enough, it becomes the truth in the eyes of the public... That is how the left believes they can openly steal an election... They, simply go boldly where no honest or just man dare goes... They are criminals and careless about what the Public thinks as long as they get their way.

    • let's, not sugar code this situation it is purely Demonic when Demon gets away with this it's shocking what the enemy will do next.

    • ill almost bet the end result will be massive bloodshed all across the US as there are a lot of stupid brain dead morons that do think pedo joe won


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