WHO: Bigger Pandemic Than COVID Is Coming

Kassie 🕊 on Twitter: "Bill Gates is evil, with or without China. He's the  number one private funder for the WHO. Gates wants depopulation & Vaccines  are very effective for this goal.

The World Health Organisation has warned that a worse pandemic than COVID could be around the corner and that what we’ve seen so far in 2020 is “not necessarily the big one”.

With global lockdowns, international stripping of freedoms, and the decimation of small businesses and the economy on the whole, it is difficult to imagine how it could get any worse.

Yet the WHO is predicting that could very well be the case.

The head of the WHO emergencies program, Dr Mike Ryan, said during a media briefing that “this pandemic has been very severe … it has affected every corner of this planet. But this is not necessarily the big one.”

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  • "They fraudulently got rid of the ONLY ONE THAT ISN'T."

    That has not actually occured yet.

    And because "THE ONLY ONE" did not concede the election, 

    Time has passed inevitably showing the fraud.

    This means the fraudulent result is becoming less and less likely to be pulled off,  day by day up to January 6,2021.

  • So..........The C.C.P. is planning on poisoning the WHOLE WORLD with another biologically engineered virus? The leaders of the west are MICE!..........They fraudulently got rid of the ONLY ONE THAT ISN'T.

  • Covid has been used as a political tool to steal the election... too, isolate the public from its normal social engagement, and to destroy our economy... both of which have been exploited to rigg the election thru massive mail-in ballot fraud, and to focus the attention of the public away from the political debate onto the Pandemic.... making it easier to deceive the less informed.  Those responsible for the unconstitutional sheltering at home... quarantine of the well need to be prosecuted for violating their federal civil rights to freely assemble and to conduct normal commerce.

  • I read an article that stated that COVID is not a pandemic. They came to that conclusion after comparing the normal death rate of previous years to the COVID death rate since it's arrival. There were no differences in the numbers. 

  • Both Gates and Adhamon need to be taken out as soon as possible. These two scumbags are diciples of Satan!

    • Nevgermind them fornow! Dorsey and Zuckerberg need to be taken out FIRST!.


  • I think the WHO is a greater threat than any alleged pandemic that might happen.  They are pro-Chinese and anti-American. 

    By the way Tedros Adhamon, from what I see you are still a Marxist and as for Bill Gates - their are too many really stupid people like you in this world.  Both of you go away and let us live our lives as we choose.

    • Martha-just in case you didn't know, billie boy IS a communist, as is his daddy, John, who also happens to be a director of "planned baby killers" - -so "apples really do not fall far from the tree".


      Bill Gates-Backed Plan To Dim the Sun Moves Forward
      Do you trust Bill Gates to know how much to dim the sun?
    • He has to be a lunatic!  

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