
So how does the Associated Press feel about that? In the old days when AP attempted to maintain a dry neutrality in its reporting, that could have been a tough question to answer. However, in recent years, with their policy of editorializing right in their stories, AP slams its readers in the head with their viewpoint sledgehammer.

Such was the case on Tuesday when AP writers Jeff Amy and Ben Nadler editorialized in the very first sentence of their story:

ATLANTA (AP) — The Georgia Senate on Tuesday pushed through the first batch of what could be a raft of restrictive voting measures Republican lawmakers say will safeguard voting but Democrats decry as based on a lie and aimed at overturning their party’s recent electoral success in Georgia.

"Restrictive voting measures." Of course, AP could have just as easily described the bill as a "ballot integrity" effort. But knowing where AP is coming from, that would not be an option. It has to have the aura off "voter suppression." They have to paint the Republicans as a dying party trying to hang on to relevance by "restricting" the right side of history, and the Democrats as the party that's pro-voter, pro-democracy. Voter fraud? Doesn't exist. 

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