Who Knew?

Source; Anonymous

"Executive officials across the country issued emergency decrees on a breathtaking scale. Governors and local leaders imposed lockdown orders forcing people to remain in their homes. They shuttered businesses and schools, public and private. They closed churches even as they allowed casinos and other favored businesses to carry on. They threatened violators not just with civil penalties but with criminal sanctions too. They surveilled church parking lots, recorded license plates, and issued notices warning that attendance at even outdoor services satisfying all state social-distancing and hygiene requirements could amount to criminal conduct. They divided cities and neighborhoods into color-coded zones, forced individuals to fight for their freedoms in court on emergency timetables, and then changed their color-coded schemes when defeat in court seemed imminent...It was the greatest intrusions on civil liberties in the peacetime history of this country."--Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, regarding Covid

Why did the China-virus lockdown architects NOT “follow the science” and NOT bother with the vast amount already extant, accepted as definitive in the public-health world, that lockdowns achieve only destruction and there was no form of physical intervention that had any hope of stopping a virus destined to spread to the whole population? These were known about at the time, as were the broad outlines of the impact of this virus. So let there be no more talk about how little we knew at the time. We knew!

However, we still don’t know:

-how they talked Trump into reversing his anti-lockdown stance on or around March 10, 2020;

 -to what extent the sudden spread of the virus was fueled by testing or even how accurate the tests were;

-whether the sudden wave of early death was panic-based or iatrogenic or actually the virus;

-how it is that previously obscure agencies gained the power to manage the US workforce and censor media;

-who precisely gave the order to lock down US hospital care and why;

-how it came to be that the government tried to drive conventional antivirals out of the marketplace;

-who had pre-written the thousand-page bills that authorized $2 trillion in spending that broke the budget and unleashed an experiment of universal basic income.

Can it be explained by the ambition to preserve population-wide immunological naivete while waiting for the vaccine to arrive in mid-November, 8 months later. Was that always the idea, in which case the “15 Days to Flatten Curve” was known to be complete gibberish? If that is actually true, the arrogance and sadism of the policy goal here boggles the mind. And if that is true, why? Was it to deploy a new platform technology called mRNA that otherwise wouldn't obtain a generalized trial through normal paths? Is that the reason that fauci went after the J&J vaccine early on, as a tactic to drive it out of the market and prepare a clean slate for Pfizer and Moderna? If that was the goal, was it ever stated in private and by whom? Who knew the goal from the beginning? Who would even consider conscripting the whole population into such a biological experiment.

There are many theories, all with plausibility but none with the capacity to explain the whole. Was Big pharma was behind the whole thing. That seems credible. The goal of testing mRNA on the global population explains a lot, especially given the trumped-up emergency situation. But the very notion that hundreds of governments around the world became surreptitiously captured stretches plausibility. We might observe that digital tech manipulated policy to give itself a boost. Streaming platforms benefited and so did Amazon, Uber Eats and DoorDash and others such as Zoom.

But are we really supposed to believe that human liberties the world over were wrecked to boost profits of this industry? Again, that’s a stretch. And the same could be said of the theory that left-wing media was the driving force. Yes, they won big time, deploying censorship as an industrial tactic against new media startups. But how in the world would they have gained so much power the world over? Then there is the view that the whole monstrous scheme was concocted to drive Trump out of office by creating chaos and greenlighting mail-in ballots that are difficult if not impossible to check for validity. That seems to check many empirical boxes. No question that there was some major effort to confuse the public as if the presence of the virus was a metaphor for the Trump. There is surely truth here but how does that account for the hundreds of other governments around the world following the same path? That the response was not just national but global raises real questions.

In that context we might draw attention to the role of the ccp, which first deployed lockdowns amidst theatrically produced videos of people dying in the streets and then leaning on its power over the world health organization to recommend lockdowns to the whole planet. There’s truth in that theory too. RFK, Jr's book The wuhan Cover-up explains the history of the US bioweapons program dating back to the end of WWII. There are secret labs all over the world supported by the US, including in wuhan. Their activities and funding are covered by classified restrictions from public access. The purpose of gain-of-function research is not to discover solutions to emerging new pathogens but to create new pathogens with antidotes that we have and the enemy does not have.  Was the release of this one pathogen part of this program? If so, that would explain why the intelligence and security bureaucracies became involved very deeply early on and also explain why so many FOIA requests about every aspect of this come back heavily redacted and why there is such a hard time getting information in general. Any time a policy matter touches the realm of national security and intelligence, it is covered by an impenetrable veil of secrecy that no law or court seems to be able to control.  In this case, we are really talking about a next-level theory, that of a digital-age coup by deep state masters against civilian society and democracy itself. You can probably generate another 10 or more compelling theories about the whole episode. Connecting the dots is a full-time job.

Error piled on error and malice on malice. Once that kind of chaos tempts a ruling class, many other institutions sign up to join the party of pillage and plunder and society finds itself picked apart by interest groups that care nothing for the good of all, much less human rights. That’s a pretty solid description of what happened to us 4 years ago. They broke the world. Universal rule of organizations and institutions: Never let those who broke the system try and fix it.


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