Source; SNGLR
But what’s really weird is that this coming from the neo-liberal that tells us men can get pregnant. It’s coming from the ideology that insists we “follow the science” unless it involves basic biology, from the ideology that demands we all go along with their lie that “he” is a woman or we are haters. It’s coming from the ideology that insists there are 52 genders. It’s coming from the ideology that demands the right to expose your 6yr-old to flamboyant men garishly dressed like exaggerated women. It’s coming from the ideology that believes convicted felons in prison “deserve” taxpayer-funded sex-change surgeries. It’s coming from the ideology that claims an unborn child is no different than your appendix.
These are the people who think J.D. Vance, a U.S. Marine, a self-made man, and an advocate for working-class Americans, is the “weird” one. Why? Just because he believes that a nation that does not promote the family and does not value children is committing national suicide.
But kammie harris can suggest that young people should think twice about having kids because of “climate change.” And that’s not weird? Telling the people of your nation not to reproduce because of “climate change” is a nihilistic position. Sadly, it’s one many leftists are embracing.
kamala harris, with no apparent sense of irony, has taken to calling her opponents “weird.” harris, whose bizarre word salads have made her something of a laughing stock, would avoid the term “weird.” Yet she uses it to describe Republicans at every opportunity. Predictably, this puerile taunt has been parroted by a long list of left-wing/democrats and talking heads. And they have by no means restricted their insults to Trump and J.D. Vance. neo-liberal/democratic operative max burns writes: “It’s reminding millions of voters that the MAGA movement is a clown car packed with off-putting weirdos.” In 2020, this “clown car” carried 74 million voters—8 million more than BObama carried in 2012.
Thomas Friedman describes this left-wing/democrat schoolyard name-calling as “the dumbest message democrats could seize on right now.” These so-called “weirdos” are the working-class voters who have endured the most pain from the economic policies of the biden-harris regime, struggling to pay for groceries, gasoline and rent. They are the young couples who can’t afford to buy a house because the median price of an existing home is at a record high and mortgage rates have skyrocketed.
“Here is a simple truth: how working-class (noncollege) voters move will likely determine the outcome of the 2024 election. They will be the overwhelming majority of eligible voters (around 66%) and, even allowing for turnout patterns, only slightly less dominant among actual voters (around 60%). Moreover, in all 6 key swing states — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — the working-class share of the electorate, both as eligible voters and as projected 2024 voters, will be higher than the national average.”—Ruy Teiseira
Considering that the top issues for these voters are inflation and immigration, on which they tend to trust Republicans more than left-wing/democrats, the Trump-Vance ticket is likely to receive an even larger share of the working class vote in 2024. Consequently, despite the polling bounce harris has received, former BObama strategist David Axelrod warned against “irrational exuberance” during a CNN interview.
But harris may not be able to rise above schoolyard taunts. On inflation, for example, an AP article reported that she has never discussed the topic in the speeches she has made since she was installed at the top of left-wing/democratic ticket. It’s probable that she will insist that she had no control over the policies that caused the problem. Yet she cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate that ultimately allowed the inflationary $1.9 trillion misnamed american rescue plan. FYI, the left-wing ny times, said she has cast more tie-breaking votes than any other VP.
It's blindingly obvious that the fingerprints of harris are all over the biden regime’s record of fiscal incontinence. She was an active partner in the other failures that define the regime. This is particularly true where the border crisis is concerned. Not that her friends in the 4th Estate haven’t tried to cover it up. Never mind that they themselves documented her high profile role in the catastrophe. As AP reported in March of 2021: “President biden has tapped VP Harris to lead the White House effort to tackle the migration challenge at the U.S. southern border.”
It’s abundantly clear that neo-liberals/democrats believe they can lie and convince the voters to ignore the evidence of their eyes by insulting them, like being told by a used car salesman, “You’re a total moron if you don’t buy this sweet ride.” Sometimes the voters can be fooled by this kind of nonsense, but not by an empty pantsuit like Harris. She’s too … well … weird they are right and we had all better get actively involved. I composed and sent a Letter to the Editor of my local newspaper a copy of it is after my friends e-mail. You can copy and modify it to fit your publication..... but send them something as the mainstream media will drown out any positive Trump information.
A Letter to the Editor that can be modified and sent to your local media or newspaper;
If you haven’t noticed, the Sun Herald leans very much to the left and having that mindset tends to publish positive articles that support the left and negative articles that relate to the right. Along with not publishing anything remotely positive about the right.
The Sun Herald like most left wing medial outlets will promote Harris and disparage Trump.
Hang on to your seats, because with less than 100 days until we have to the 2024 elections, the mainstream media will deluge all media outlets with positive Harris propaganda that have no substance.
If elected she will not be running anything. She is a puppet just like Biden and the behind the scenes deep state will call all the shots.
So if you are happy with what has been happening for the past 3 years you will probably vote for more of the same.
But if not, you had better get involved and get your like minded friends and family to the polls to vote for Trump.
He is the one and only candidate that has a chance of returning this country to some semblance of sanity and restore common sense values again!!!
Supplemental info:
CPAC Scores Show How Far-Left Harris’ VP Contenders Are
Vice President Kamala Harris’ running mate shortlist was full of far-left candidates. In picking Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, she chose the most radical among them.