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  • Why do we give this woman credit by bothering with her, giving her even a thought is a waste of time!

  • Whoopi really should have stuck to making movies, at least she was good at thar.  In this "hosting position" , she's in way over her head.

  • Millstones around the neck (with other implied consequence) is for ALL those who harm a child. Quite appropriate. 

  • Whoopie try Reading 1Corinthians 6:9-10, Leviticus 18:22 these sins are a abomination before God. Don't know what Bible you are reading but let me enlighten you what you are reading is Trash Throw it in your fire place and burn it. At least no one else will read and buy the lies you have evidently bought in to.

  • Doubtful she ever read the Bible.  And definitely does not have a relationship with god - any god!

  • She has a reprobate mind exactly what God said would happen if you deny Him and His Word

  • Why would any comment this woman makes  actually surprise or shock anyone, Her views and comments are extreme. How the VIEW remains on the air is a mystery why any company would advertise on that show is even a greater mystery, Why anyone would bother watching that program with their extreme uninformed opinions is an other mystery. The extreme views and opinions expressed on that program ARE NEVER backed up with facts.

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