Kerry Alberti is a 79yo living in Richmond VA suburbs, renting an apt for < $2000 per month

She allegedly has 22,619 Dem donations since ‘19, for $839,466 in 592 days

Utter fraud (ID theft) via

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  • The gop establishment is in cahoots with the devildemocommiecrats, thinking that they will be given plush status in the global dictatorship if they help it get established but they will find themselves just as victimized as the rest of us!!!!!!!!!!

  • I would not be surprised if our politicians are getting paid by the cartels, they all know they are involved and no one will speak because they are all guilty! 

    • Ilona, you are correct, the gop establishment is bought and paid for by the same people who bought the devildemocommiecrats!!!!!!!!!!


  • Until TERM LIMITES are imposed on both state and federal governments corruption will continue to be "business as usual".

    Short of PUBLIC HANGINGS & 20 YRS IN PRISON ,Term Limits ,such as 20 yrs and out would go a long way in the fight against corruption  

    • 20 years is too long, 6 is plenty!!!!!!!!!!


    • 20 years is too long, that's a lifer!

    • WELL T.M.G. looks like AMERICA has plenty to do to Restore the ideals of a BIBLICLY Inspired CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC....................................WE CAN HELP.

  • Because they do it too.

  • Expect silence from Congress for the next SEVEN WEEKS, at least.  Speaker Johnson has taken it upon himself to simply ADJOURN  the House a week early, for their August campaign break, or what ever it is they normally do, in August of an election year!!

    I would hazard a guess that means NO spending bills, nor budgetary concerns will be handled until the very LAST MINUTE, so we will be presented with another CR budget crisis in Sept.  And don't tell me there are no "critical issues" that do not need to be handled here and NOW.  Someone should jab a LARGE PIN in his over-inflated ego and tell him to re-convene and get his self-important-azz BACK TO WORK!!

    • johnson is just another devildemocommiecrat with an R behind his nama just like boehner, ryan, and mccarthy, TRAITORS ALL!!!!!!!!!!


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