In Naperville, Illinois, the school board announced it would distribute $10 million back to taxpayers this year. Yes, a tax refund.
In a news release, Superintendent Dan Bridges told residents that he “understands the great burden many of our families have faced during the COVID-19 pandemic and hopes that this reimbursement lessens that burden.” The typical family will receive a refund of $200 to $500. Good for Naperville.
The 10-month pandemic shutdown generated a savings of roughly $20 million, or about 6.5 percent out of a $300 million school budget. The Naperville Sun reported that the district’s expenses for everything from transportation, utilities, staffing needs, and so on have been much lower while the doors have been shut.
Naperville school board member Paul Leong, a local businessman, told me: “It’s amazing that we are the only school district in the area or in the state that has given taxpayers some of their money back.”
Or in the whole country, for that matter.
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Paying teachers to stay home has to stop... full refunds not partial should be made. It's nice that this superintendent understands who writes his pay check... however, I find it troubling that out o 10 months he only saved 20 million of a 300 million budget. Where did the rest of the cash go? In the pockets of no show teachers?
Amazingly bold... school is shut down over 80% of the year and the superintendent saves 6.5% of the budget... and the public is supposed to be proud of such frugal stewardship of the taxpayer's money. It must be the new math, the superintendent needs to recalculate the budget savings using real math.., he may discover where the remaining 80% plus went. I wonder if the teachers drew unemployment and their salaries... I wouldn't be surprised if they did.
I doubt it, because the teachers, staff, school board director, and the mafia unions have to have their cut....